Sunday, September 29, 2024

Did you know the Bible has a ghost story?

by CAROL SHIRK KNAPP Contributing Writer
| October 27, 2021 1:00 AM

Did you know the Bible has a ghost story? Crowds had flocked to Jesus to hear His teaching and experience His miracles. At the end of the day He wanted time alone. He sent His disciples ahead in a boat on the Sea of Galilee planning to meet them later.

It was a stormy night — wind kicking up the waves. The men rowed hard. In the fourth watch — between 3 and 6 a.m. — they saw a sight that terrified them. A shadowy figure walking toward them across the sea.

They cried out in fear, “It is a ghost!” There was no other explanation.

Then the sound of a familiar voice, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”

Peter, ever the impulsive one, spoke up bravely, “Lord, if it is You command me to come to You on the water.” They were far from shore, the water was wild. Peter was about to risk his life on an “if.”

Jesus answered, “Come.”

Peter didn't hesitate. He climbed out of the boat and stepped toward Jesus, near enough now for him to recognize. It all went great — at first.

Then Peter looked around and saw the storm whipping. He was a brawny fisherman, but this was too surreal — balancing on the waves in the middle of the sea. His initial fear of a ghost begat another fear — he could drown out there.

In that moment he began to sink. He called, “Lord, save me!” Could Peter swim? The sea was his livelihood. You'd think he might know something about keeping afloat. Still, in a powerful storm his chances were diminished.

Jesus was so close all He did was stretch out His hand the instant Peter needed Him. When they reached the boat and climbed in the wind stopped. The disciples were so awed they said, “You are certainly God's Son!” They were still figuring out this person with such authority who had called them to follow Him.

This isn't the whole story. Jesus spoke eight words to Peter when He pulled him from the water. A question Peter probably never forgot, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Peter had no problem believing in a ghost. But he had a serious problem believing Jesus could enable him to do something his mind told him was impossible.

In fairness to Peter, he had faith enough to bail from the boat. No one else dared it. And he took those sure steps — until he stopped trusting and let fear sink him.

There's plenty to be afraid of in today's world — as there was in Peter's time. He lived in an occupied country. There was poverty and disease. Dissension. Prejudice. Life was hard. Into it came Jesus bringing a message of hope. Backing it up with one miracle after the other.

Peter's life ultimately transformed — his faith became unshakeable. His writings are included in the Bible. Not surprisingly he urges all those who choose to trust Jesus — who take those steps toward Him — to, “Stand firm.”