Sunday, September 29, 2024

New orchestra planned at high school

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| October 27, 2021 1:00 AM

20 Years Ago — 2001

Open house announced

Priest River’s new wastewater treatment plant will hold open house Oct. 26, starting at 10 a.m. The public is invited to drop by for a tour and look at where all that money went.

30 Years Ago — 1991

The Hoop Loop fire, which erupted during Wednesday’s windstorm, remains contained at 190 acres and is mostly mopped up. The fire command post, located at the west end of Hoop Loop Road, was dismantled Sunday night. At its peak, the fire occupied at least eight water tankers, five pumper engines, several bulldozers and helicopter support. The biggest story, however, was the extraordinary numbers of local volunteers and equipment that turned out to fire the fire.

40 Years Ago — 1981

Ground broken

Expressing optimism about the future of the Bodie Canyon Industrial Park, Jim Carlson and a handful of members of the Priest River Development Corporation were on hand Tuesday to assist with another groundbreaking ceremony for the Meyers Industries building.

50 Years Ago-1971

Two attend conference

Elaine Savage and Linda Murray spent two days in Coeur d’Alene at the fourth annual Idaho Community Pride conference.

60 Years Ago — 1961

Spartans try for first-place tie

The Priest River Spartans will meet St. Maries on the home field Oct. 26 in a game that could put them in a first-place conference tie with Post Falls. They are currently one-half game behind Post Falls in the Inland Empire League.

70 Years Ago — 1951

Locked in boxcar

Fred Howerton, whose home is at Pratt, Kansas, was found locked in a boxcar on the siding at Laclede Monday by Leonard Gray, Great Northern maintenance man. Mr. Howerton had been prospecting in Montana and got into the boxcar at Troy 10 days ago, as near as he can remember. He suffered from exposure and malnutrition. He was brought to Priest River for medical aid.

80 Years Ago — 1941

Orchestra planned

Tryouts for a chance to play with a spanking new orchestra were held at the high school. Adair Hilligoss, of the local grade school faculty, who specializes in orchestral work, is attempting to round out an orchestra.

90 Years Ago — 1931

Fire brings claim jumpers out

Considerable excitement in mining circles during the past few days is due to the alleged jumping of several claims in the Pine Creek section. Fire sweeping through the area several weeks ago burned all of the stakes designating the various claims, with the result that a number in the Gold Coin group were jumped.

100 Years Ago-1921

New band for Priest River

Professor Ralph Sado is organizing a 20-piece band in Priest River, members being all town or Settlement boys. Lessons are given every Sunday, and instructions are given by Tony Veltri every week. Professor Sado is a leader of a first-class band in Spokane and was a bandmaster in the Italian military service. He has been a resident of this country for just about a year.