Sunday, September 29, 2024

Is a new job or business on your mind?

by BRENDEN BOBBY Contributing Writer
| September 24, 2021 1:00 AM

Have you had enough of the 9-5 grind? Maybe you’re exhausted from working multiple jobs that just don’t deliver the paycheck or the appreciation you deserve. Perhaps you’ve worked your entire life to build other peoples’ legacies, and now you’re ready to create your own. If you’re standing at this crossroads, you’re probably thinking: ”Where do I even begin?”

Starting your own business is no easy task - trust me, I’ve done it. Luckily, the library remains your local resource for navigating everything from registering your own business to buying a pre-existing business and everything in between.

The Small Business Reference Center, available through the digital library on , has a plethora of resources and information built specifically for the small business owner, whether they’re just starting their journey, or have owned their business for thirty years.

While library staff aren't qualified to answer legal questions about your business, they are able and willing to help you find what you need through the SBRC, whether that’s accessed through one of the computers here at the library or even from your own personal computer at home.

The Small Business Reference Center also has up-to-date printed source materials, some of which are even available as physical copies at any of our library district branches. If the library doesn’t possess a physical copy of any item on the SBRC, you are always encouraged to fill out a materials request form from any of the library desks, or even on the library website from the comfort of your favorite recliner. Subjects available range from how to deal with problem employees or even how to patent items you plan on selling and more.

While paid services such as business coaching can be an invaluable tool for many, the resources that you need to get started and strengthen your business are freely available with your library card. Check out the digital library today, your dream could be a lot closer to reach than you thought.

Brenden Bobby can be reached at the East Bonner County Library, 1407 Cedar St., Sandpoint, by phone at 20-263-6930, or email at