Friday, September 27, 2024

Bonner County History - April 3, 2022

| April 3, 2022 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

April 3, 1972 – VIVA!

Before you travel halfway around the world to vacation in a Mediterranean villa with a view of the ski slopes of the Alps, visit Condo del Sol on the shores of majestic Lake Pend Oreille. Condominiums functional as peasant huts, yet beautiful as the gentry’s country estates. An ordered community designed for the most discriminating. Fish for dinner in the crystal lake. Swim in refreshing lake water or one of our pools. Enjoy a midnight cruise or head to Schweitzer Ski Basin. Old world values in a Northwest setting. Townhouses from $22,500. 301 Iberian Way, Sandpoint, Idaho.



Bonner County’s first commercially-zoned area outside the boundaries of its incorporated communities was established this week by the board of county commissioners. The zone change from agricultural-suburban to commercial is for the 183-acre triangular area north of Sandpoint and bounded on the north by the Kootenai Cutoff, on the east by the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and on the west by US 95.



Mrs. Duane Davis, unit chairman, announces the appointment of Mrs. Skip Newton as Memorial Chairman for the Bonner County Cancer Society. Mrs. Newton replaces Mrs. John Summers who has served the unit for the past several years. Donations may be sent to Mrs. Newton at 428 S. Florence, Sandpoint.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

April 3, 1922 – CITY BREVITIES

The city schools will be closed next week for spring vacation. Many of the teachers plan to attend the teachers’ convention in Spokane April 5, 6, and 7.

Edward McDonald arrived from Spokane last night with a Hudson super-six touring car which he will run from Sandpoint to the Armstead mine (at Talache), and Bonners Ferry, two trips daily, as soon as the roads permit. Headquarters will be at the Hotel Idaho (Fourth and Cedar in Sandpoint).

Dr. E.T. Anderson, who underwent an emergency operation for appendicitis in a Spokane hospital last week, was returned to his home here Monday night on Northern Pacific train No. 2. He stood the trip well and is making an excellent recovery at the Central hospital.



Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chamberlain were surprised Saturday by 70 neighbors, the occasion being the birthday of both. A splendid time was had by all.

Ben Thompson made a trip to Lightning creek Sunday looking over repair work to be done on the bridge. He left Tuesday for Spokane to be met by the other two commissioners for an interview with N.P. officials regarding the Lightning creek dike project.



The William Anderson family was released from quarantine Sunday and the Berry family will be turned loose April 5. None of the folks in either family were seriously sick – only of the quarantine.

For more information, visit the museum online at