Friday, September 27, 2024

Bonner County History - April 7, 2022

| April 7, 2022 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

April 7, 1972 – NOTE 25TH ANNIVERSARY

Friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Breeden are invited to attend an open house honoring their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday from 2 to 6 p.m., at their Kootenai home. The affair is being given by their four daughters, Mrs. Diane Rice, Mrs. Janice Hindberg and Mrs. Cathy Converse, all of Sandpoint, and Miss Linda Breeden, Pullman, Wash., and their two sons, Tom Rickett of Oklahoma and Rick Breeden, Kootenai.



The Academy of Friendship met in the home of Susan Montague Monday for a dessert luncheon with Josephine Madsen as co-hostess. After the business meeting, cards completed the afternoon. Enid Ereman won high; Naomi Carnegie, second; and Josephine Madsen, traveling prize. Alice Stockman won the door prize and Susan Montague the white elephant.



The Sandpoint Public Library’s story hour for pre-school children brought its successful spring session to a close last week. The 46 children attending were divided into small groups with various local women acting as story tellers. Mrs. Judy Stoddard, Mrs. Nancy Barker, Mrs. Virginia Robideaux, Mrs. Susan Austin, Mrs. Rose Snedden, Mrs. Pat Lewis and Mrs. Linda Harper deserve a big vote of thanks for their efforts in making this new system run so smoothly, a library spokesman said.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review


At Monday’s city council meeting, the application of W.E. Jaeger, proprietor of the city garage, for a permit to put a 12,000 gallon gasoline tank west of the S.I. tracks (along Fifth avenue) on Alder was read. A petition signed by 41 neighbors asked that the permit be refused. The main hazard set forth was the probable escape of gasoline from the tank. The council voted to issue the permit, if certain protective measures were taken, including building a stone wall one-fourth as high as the tank with a minimum of four feet, as a protection in case of leakage from the tank.



The transplanting of vegetables to outdoor beds began at the Weaver nursery on Cedar and Jefferson streets, when lettuce and beet plants and onion sets were moved outside. James Weaver stated that other plants would soon follow, and the tomatoes would have a 100-day start on summer weather when set out. The greenhouse was completed about Feb. 1, when the first planting was done. It is 100 feet by 26 feet, covered by 4170 square feet of glass.



There was an April Fool dance at the community cottage Saturday night. Although not many came out, those attending report an exceptionally good time.

Rose and Mary Peterson, Elaine Hawkins and Claudia Spangle, Sandpoint high school students, are spending their week of vacation at their homes here.

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