Saturday, March 08, 2025

Legals for April, 26 2022

| April 26, 2022 12:00 AM

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bonner County Commissioners will hold a public hearing at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday May 25, 2022, in the 3rd Floor BOCC Meeting Room, Suite 338 of the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 Highway 2, Sandpoint, Idaho, by Zoom teleconference, and YouTube Livestream to consider the following requests: File AM0021-21 - Text Amendment - Bonner County Revised Code Title 12 sections 210, 211, 216, 300, 315 and 320.1 - Doug Gunter, Sherry Anderson, Jonna Plante, Dave Bowman. The applicants are requesting a Text Amendment to Title 12, including the following summary of proposed changes: amending language to Subchapter 2.1 Title Amendments, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Zone Changes Section 210 Purposes; Section 211 General; Section 216 Evaluation of Amendment Proposals. Chapter 3 Zoning Districts and Land Uses Section 300 Purposes Section 315 Rules for Interpretation of Zoning District Boundaries Section 320.1 Zoning Districts and map Designations Established. If interested in participating, please visit our website for details at: Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the public hearing should contact the Bonner County Planning Department at (208) 265-1458 at least 48 hours before the hearing. ** Written statements must be submitted to the planning department record no later than seven (7) days prior to the public hearing. Written statements not exceeding one standard letter sized, single spaced page may be submitted at the public hearing. Comments can be sent to the Bonner County Planning Department at 1500 Highway 2, Suite 208, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864; faxed to (866) 537-4935 or e-mailed to Additional information is available at the planning department. Staff reports are available at the planning department or may be viewed at prior to the scheduled hearing. Any affected person as defined by Idaho Code, Title 67, Chapter 65, may present a request for reconsideration to the Board of County Commissions from any final decision by the Board of County Commissions. (Bonner County Revised Code, Section 12-263) Legal#4168/AD#529357 April 26, May 3,10, 2022

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bonner County Commissioners will hold public hearings at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday May 11, 2022, in the 3rd Floor BOCC Meeting Room, Suite 338 of the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 Highway 2, Sandpoint, Idaho, by Zoom teleconference, and YouTube Livestream to consider the following requests: File MOD0001-22 Modification of CUP0006-20 - The Idaho Club North Lake PUD. The applicant is requesting to modify an approved conditional use permit for a large-scale mixed use planned unit development (PUD) for the following: 1) Combining the three 10,000 sq ft boat storage units into one 30,000 sq ft unit. 2) Relocating the community drain field and 3) relocating 33 and adding 5 parking spaces. The modification is limited to these specific items. The property is zoned Recreation. The project is located off N. Park Rd. and Highway 200 in Section 16/17, Township 57 North, Range 1 East, Boise-Meridian. The Zoning Commission, at the April 21, 2022 public hearing, recommended approval of this file to the Board of County Commissioners. File AM0003-22 - Adams, Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from Ag/Forest to Rural Residential. The applicants are requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from Agricultural/ Forestry Land to Rural Residential to correct the split land designation. The parcel is 56.64 acres. The property is zoned A/F-20 and Rural-5. The project is located off Kelso Lake Road in Section 3, Township 54 North, Range 4 West, Boise-Meridian. The Planning Commission, at the April 19, 2022 public hearing, recommended approval of this file to the Board of County Commissioners. File AM0025-21 - Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment - Lund. The applicants are requesting a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation Change from Rural Residential to Transition for a 5.3 acre parcel. The property is zoned Rural 5. The project is located on Highway 95 north of Dufort Road in Section 29, Township 56 North, Range 2 West, Boise-Meridian. The Planning Commission, at the April 19, 2022 public hearing, recommended approval of this file to the Board of County Commissioners. If interested in participating, please visit our website for details at: Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the public hearing should contact the Bonner County Planning Department at (208) 265-1458 at least 48 hours before the hearing. ** Written statements must be submitted to the planning department record no later than seven (7) days prior to the public hearing. Written statements not exceeding one standard letter sized, single spaced page may be submitted at the public hearing. Comments can be sent to the Bonner County Planning Department at 1500 Highway 2, Suite 208, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864; faxed to (866) 537-4935 or e-mailed to Additional information is available at the planning department. Staff reports are available at the planning department or may be viewed at prior to the scheduled hearing. Any affected person as defined by Idaho Code, Title 67, Chapter 65, may present a request for reconsideration to the Board of County Commissions from any final decision by the Board of County Commissions. (Bonner County Revised Code, Section 12-263) Legal#4169/AD#529360 April 26, 2022

Request for Proposals ALTERNATE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER The City of Kootenai is soliciting proposals from qualified professionals for providing services to the City as an Alternate Code Enforcement Officer. The basic responsibilities of the City's Alternate Code Enforcement Officer are focused primarily on enforcement of those City codes which do not otherwise require peace officer certification for enforcement. The selected applicant can be expected to provide service on a case-by-case basis when prompted by the City with adequate notice. The Professional Services to be provided to the City under this request for proposal will include, but not be limited to, the following functions which are necessary for effective municipal code enforcement: * Having knowledge of and being able to read and interpret city, state, and county codes/ordinances involving building, property maintenance, zoning, planning, special land use, signage, animal, and permit codes; * Being able to establish a problem-oriented enforcement schedule, as necessary, with the intent of seeking voluntary compliance from violators when appropriate; * Responding to, investigating, and documenting complaints in conjunction with other Planning, Building, Public Works, Policing, and other City of Kootenai Departments in order to effectuate prompt and certain code enforcement; * Being able to assist any policing agencies having jurisdiction within the City, with the enforcement of traffic or parking violations, reports of animals at large, and other criminal violations, when requested by said agency; * Being able to maintain detailed records of investigative findings and execute written reports (including affidavits) on the actions taken and information obtained; 8 Delivering and serving notices of violations or warning citations as directed by the Mayor or the City Attorney; * Communicating with members of the public about the complaints and general information about the code requirements; * Being fully equipped and able to perform work outdoors at all times and in all weather conditions; * Being proficient in the use of technology (i.e, digital photo cameras, computers, measuring devices, cellular phones, etc.); * Projecting and maintaining a professional relationship with City officials, law enforcement agencies, the City Attorney, and citizens within the community; * Performing all duties in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws. Prospective applicants who wish to submit a proposal for Professional Services pursuant to this Request for Proposal should send their proposals to the City of Kootenai at the address listed below, no later than April 30 ,2022. Applicants should submit a resume together with their proposal, and each proposal must have specific anticipated financial obligations of the City clearly outlined within the proposal. If further information is needed regarding the City Ordinances governing this position or the functions of the City in general, please contact the City Clerk at (208) 265-2431. City of Kootenai 204 Spokane St. Kootenai, ID 83840 SNP LEGAL 4120 AD#526574 APRIL 12, 19, 26, 2022

The City of Priest River has enlisted Welch Comer to perform site analysis, public involvement, and conceptual design for Joslyn Park. We're eager to hear from you. Please join us on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, for a short presentation and open house meeting to give us your thoughts. Your input is important. When: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Where: Priest River Event Center, 5399 Hwy 2, Priest River, Idaho 83856 Time: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Please email Mindy Patterson as mpatterson@welchcomer. com and/or Jack Griffing at for additional information. You can also call the office at (208) 664-9382. We look forward to receiving your input! SNP LEGAL 4151 AD#527964 APRIL 26, MAY 3, 2022

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Sandpoint Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing during their Tuesday, May 17, 2022, meeting, scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. in Council chambers at City Hall, 1123 W. Lake St., Sandpoint, Idaho, to consider the following: A request for a Conditional Use Permit (City Application No. PCUP22-0001) for approval of a 12-student Montessori Day Care at 611 N. Ella Ave. The site is zoned Residential Multi-family and is legally described as Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 20 of West End Addition "D" according to the official plat thereof, filed in Book 1 of Plats at Page 57, records of Bonner County, Idaho. In-person seating within Council chambers is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The overflow area outside chambers will accommodate additional participation, with live meeting video and audio provided. For public hearings/public comment periods, those who may not be able to be seated within chambers will be allowed entrance to the room and given the opportunity to present from the podium during the time of their presentation. Copies of the complete files for the above are available for review online at or at City Hall. Any written testimony of more than two pages to be considered at this meeting must be delivered to City Hall or by email to before 5:00 p.m. on May 12, 2022. Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the above-noticed meeting should contact the City Clerk at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting at 208-263-3310. legal#4167/AD#529242 April 26, 2022

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) Case No. CV09-22-0477 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CONSTANCE SALESKY AND JOHN SALESKY Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Craig Salesky has been appointed personal representative of the above-named decedents. All persons having claims against the decedents or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or within 60 days after the undersigned mailed or delivered a copy of this Notice to such persons, whichever is later, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 15th day of April, 2022. /s/ Katherine Elsaesser ELSAESSER ANDERSON, CHTD. Legal4152/AD528030 April 19, 26, May 3, 2022

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LACLEDE WATER DISTRICT BONNER COUNTY, IDAHO NOTICE OF HEARING ON CREATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN May 10, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., at 24 Moore Loop Road, Laclede, ID 83841, has been fixed, pursuant to Resolution No. 2, adopted on April 13, 2022 (the "Resolution"), as the time and place for a public hearing at which time the owners of property to be assessed within proposed Local Improvement District No. 1 ("LID No. 1") may appear before the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Laclede Water District, Bonner County, Idaho (the "District"), and be heard as to the propriety and advisability of creating LID No. 1 and acquiring and constructing of the improvements to the District's water system as hereinafter described, and as the time and place when and where the Board will consider the creation of the proposed LID No. 1 and the acquisition and construction of the proposed improvements, and hear all complaints, protests, and objections which may be made orally at the hearing or in writing and filed with the District's Engineer, T-O Engineers, before or during said hearing by any owner of any parcel of land to be assessed, as more particularly described below. The boundaries of the proposed LID No. 1, as described in the Resolution, are described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part thereof. A map showing the boundaries can be reviewed at the District Engineer's offices at the address below. All property within the boundaries of proposed LID No. 1 and benefited by the System Improvements (hereinafter defined) will be assessed. A general description of the improvements to be constructed and costs thereof to remedy identified deficiencies with intake, treatment, and distribution, to comply with requirements of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, and to provide sufficient capacity for growth within the District (as further described as Alternative Package 2 in the Laclede Water District Water Facility Plan, dated October 2021) are as follows: (i) General descriptions of the System Improvements are as follows: New duplex intake pump system, including backup power and radio telemetry system; New ultrafiltration membrane water treatment plant; New duplex treated water transfer pumps; New 200,000-gallon reservoir, including radio telemetry system; New duplex booster pumps, backup power, and a visual pump failure alarm system installed in the booster station; and Approximately 7,400 LF of new 4-inch PVC transmission mains to and from the booster station. (ii) Costs of construction will include, but are not limited to, engineering, legal, accounting, costs of bond issuance, costs of interim financing, costs of financial advice, the funding of a guarantee fund or reserve account to secure payment of financing, and other costs incidental thereto. All work will be performed and all materials supplied after the advertisement for bids therefor by giving notice calling for sealed bids for the construction of work. The total cost of the proposed System Improvements is estimated to be $5,320,000, approximately 87% of which shall be borne by and assessed against the properties specially benefited by such System Improvements, based upon a benefits derived method of assessment as set forth in Section 50-1707, Idaho Code. The remaining amount of approximately 13% of the total cost of the proposed System Improvements will be sourced from loan principal forgiveness from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and general funds of the District. Written protests and objections to the creation of LID No. 1 or to the manner of assessment or inclusion of property therein may be filed by any owner of any parcel of land to be assessed with the District's Engineer, T-O Engineers, at or before 3:30 p.m. on May 10, 2022, by mailing or hand delivering a written protest, including the property owner's name and the address of the property within the LID No. 1 boundary, to the District's Engineer, T-O Engineers, 7950 N. Meadowlark Way, Suite A, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815, or by submitting such written protest during the above-described hearing. BE ADVISED that only written protests, including the property owner's name and the address of the property within the LID No. 1 boundary, will be included in calculating the percentages of resident owners and owners of land protesting LID No. 1 to determine whether further review of LID No. 1 is required pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-1709. DATED this 13th day of April, 2022. LACLEDE WATER DISTRICT, Bonner County, Idaho /s/ Chairman, Board of Directors ATTEST: /s/ District Treasurer EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES OF LID NO. 1 [See attached] Legal Description BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 56 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian; Thence North to the Southeast corner of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 30; Thence West to the Southwest corner of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 30; Thence North to the Northwest corner of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 30; Thence West to the Southwest corner of Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 19, Township 56 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian; Thence North to the Northeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 19; Thence West to the Northwest corner of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 19; Thence South to the Northwest corner of the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 19; Thence West to the Southwest corner of the North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 19; Thence South to the Southeast corner of Section 25, Township 56 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian; Thence West and Southerly along the Southeasterly shore of a natural bay of Pend Oreille River to a point which is the East boundary line of a U.S. Government Recreation Park, commonly referred to as Riley Creek Park; Thence South along said U.S. Government Property line to North shore of Pend Oreille River; Thence East and Northeasterly along said North shore of said river to a point where the East section line of Section 30, Township 56 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian intersects the North shore of the Pend Oreille River; Thence North to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together with: A parcel of land situated within the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 56 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Southern right-of-way line of the Great Northern Railway with the West line of said Section 29, said intersection being South 00°03'20" East, 1583.29 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section 29; Thence North 54°00'20" East, along the South right-of-way line of said railway, 1320.85 feet to the East line of Schweitzer Villa Subdivision; Thence South 36°05'30" East, along the East line of said subdivision, 567.70 feet; Thence South 53°54'30" West, 660.00 feet; Thence South 61°54'30" West, 111.08 feet; Thence South 53°54'30" West, 110.00 feet; Thence South 44°34'30" West, 501.63 feet to the West line of Schweitzer Villa Subdivision; Thence South 36°05'30" East, along the West line of said subdivision, 32.57 feet to the North bank of the Pend Oreille River; Thence South 55°31'40" West, along the North bank of said river, 423.62 feet to the West section line of Section 29; Thence North 00°03'20" West, along the West line of said section, 811.77 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 21.02 acres, more or less. Also, including all that portion lying between the above described parcel and the ordinary high water line of the Pend Oreille River. SNP LEGAL 4165 AD#528915 APRIL 26, 27, 28, 2022

NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 58-104(9) and 58-1301, et seq., Idaho Code (The Lake Protection Act) and rules of the State Board of Land Commissioners, notice is hereby given that JH Sandcreek Trust has made application to install 100 linear feet of riprap on Lake Pend Oreille. Location: Perch Bay, Lake Pend Oreille, Sandpoint, Idaho, in Section 10 Township 57 North, Range 01 West; B.M., in Bonner County. Written objections to or requests for hearing in this matter must be on file with the Idaho Department of Lands, 2550 Highway 2 West, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 within thirty (30) days after the first appearance of this notice. Specific information regarding this application may be obtained from Justin Eshelman, Resource Specialist, Sr. on behalf of Navigable Waters Program - at the above address or by calling (208) 263-5104. /S/TOM FLEER, Area Manager Idaho Department of Lands SNP LEGAL 4149 AD#527919 APRIL 19, 26, 2022

Legal Notice STATE OF IDAHO LAND LEASE OPPORTUNITY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR AUCTION OF LEASE Notice is hereby given pursuant to Article IX, § 8 of the Idaho Constitution and Idaho Code §§ 58-307, -310 and -313, the State of Idaho, Department of Lands (hereinafter "IDL"), will accept lease applications for public auction of the leases set forth below. Lease application deadline is Saturday, April 30, 2022 by 5:00 PM (PT). If more than one application is received for a lease, IDL will schedule a date, time and location for a live auction and the lease will then be awarded to the bidder paying the highest premium bid therefore. Annual rental rates are established by IDL. General information regarding each lease is set forth below. Detailed information regarding each lease, including a specific legal description of the property to be leased, rental rates, and instructions to complete an application, and the application fee may be obtained by visiting IDL's website at Lease No., Term, Use, Legal Description, County M100020, 10yr, Communication Site, .02 acres of Pts NWSE, T59N-R03W-S05, Bonner County. M100024, 10yr, Communication Site, .03 acres of Pts of SENESW, T59N-R03W-S05, Bonner County. R100392, 2yr, Residential -Cottage Site, .28 acres of T59N-R04W-S03, State Subdivision: Kokanee Point, Lot 10, Block 1, Bonner County. R100394, 2yr, Residential -Cottage Site, .38 acres of T61N-R04W-S27, State Subdivision: Pinto Point, Lot 12, Block 1, Bonner County. R100395, 2yr, Residential -Cottage Site, 2.95 acres of T59N-R04W-S05, State Subdivision: Outlet Bay, Lot 7, Block 1, Bonner County. Contact Ryan Zandhuisen at 208-443-2516 for more information. SNP LEGAL 1329 AD#523423 MARCH 29, APRIL 5, 12, 19, 26, 2022

NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 58-104(g) and 58-1301, et seq., Idaho Code (The Lake Protection Act) and rules of the State Board of Land Commissioners, notice is hereby given that Derrick Coder made application to Install Rip Rap on Priest Lake. Located on Parcel RP059550010100A adjacent to: Sections 26, Township 60 North, Range 04 West; B.M., in Bonner County. Written objections to or requests for hearing in this matter must be on file with the Idaho Department of Lands, 4053 Cavanaugh Bay Rd, Coolin, ID 83821 within thirty (30) days after the first appearance of this notice. Specific information regarding this application may be obtained from Ryan Zandhuisen Lands Resource Specialist - Navigable Waters at the above address or by calling (208) 443-2516 /S/Dan Brown, Area Manager of Priest Lake Idaho Department of Lands SNP LEGAL 4148 AD#527916 APRIL 19, 26, 2022

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KURTIS CHARLES JOHNSON, DECEASED. CV09-22-0423 CASE NO. CV09-22-0423 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ROBYN V. JOHNSON has been appointed Personal Representative of the estate of KURTIS CHARLES JOHNSON. All persons having claims against KURTIS CHARLES JOHNSON and/or his estate are required by law to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. CLAIMS MUST BE PRESENTED WITHIN SUCH TIME LIMITS to the undersigned attorneys, Vasseur & Schlotthauer, PLLC, P.O. Box 808, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 83816, AND MUST ALSO BE FILED WITHIN SUCH TIME LIMITS with the Clerk of the Court of the First Judicial District, Bonner County, Idaho. DATED this 14th day of April, 2022. VASSEUR & SCHLOTTHAUER, PLLC /s/ Brent G. Schlotthauer BRENT G. SCHLOTTHAUER SNP LEGAL 4150 AD#527960 APRIL 19, 26, MAY 3, 2022