Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Panida Century Fund advances to goal

| December 9, 2022 1:00 AM

The Panida Century Fund advanced this week in its fund drive to replace the theater's leaking roof.

Individuals donated $2,006 – which Ting Internet is matching, to yield a total of $4,012 collected for the fund this week.

With the Century Fund drive now past the three-quarters mark, a total of $213,443.77 has been raised toward the first-year goal of $273,100.

"Once again, we simply have to say a huge thank you to our generous donors," Foster Cline, Panida board member and fundraising chair, said. "And it's a double thank you to Ting Internet, too – because each donation an individual makes is matched by Ting. That simply means, if you can donate, the match that Ting provides will double your donation. It's like making two donations in one."

"And while we are most of the way to our goal now, we still have that last 25 percent to achieve," Cline added. "For any who are contemplating a donation – help us get over the goal line!"

The Century Fund has a five-year goal broken out in annual phases, to raise a total $1.9 million to address long-deferred maintenance needs leading up to the Panida’s 100th anniversary in November 2027.

The campaign has gotten a huge boost from Ting, which has pledged to match individual donations of $5,000 and under, up to a total of $200,000 over the five-year campaign.

To donate, or see detailed plans for the campaign itemizing expenses, click to