Checked out conservatives need to check back in
These are dispiriting times nationally, particularly for people who understand what inalienable rights from God really means. However, it is our good fortune that liberty minded Americans have Idaho, and more specifically, North Idaho. If we want to keep it, we better stay involved.
Some conservatives did not pull their weight recently at the polls. They whined "it's all rigged” or “it makes no difference,” even mocking those who voted. Newcomers bask in the glow of conservative governance, but can’t bring themselves to vote for one yet.
For those who have checked out this may sound harsh, but please remember something. Your grandfather in Guadalcanal couldn't check out. That great uncle of yours, who died for you in Normandy? He didn't say "I’m too busy today” as Nazi machine guns tore his buddies apart. So why did they fight? World War II vets I knew said when the bullets started flying they weren’t there for Uncle Sam. They weren’t even there for Liberty and Justice. They were there for the man next to him; for his unit and unborn children. We don’t vote for politicians in D.C. We vote for our neighbor and our town. We do this even for those who spit on us or don’t understand what’s happening in America. If you think those vets died in vain, go to the cemetery and tell them.
If we are to win the war being waged against American values, conservatives must show the grit of our forefathers. Forget D.C. and Mitch McConnell. Idaho is your country now. Your heart is its capitol. Get off your butt and vote for it.