Property taxes are out of control in county
I was shocked upon opening my property tax bill and learning that it doubled. I called the assessors office and a lady named Lisa answered. I asked her: “Isn’t there a limit on how much my property taxes can increase per year?” The answer was apparently no there is no limit and that her office could do nothing to change it. She suggested I call my legislators. I told her my property taxes doubled since last year. Her response was, “You're lucky. Some people’s tripled.”
Property taxes have gone out of control in Bonner County and this is unacceptable for those of us who live here. Do the county and the various districts need to collect double or even triple of what they did the previous year in order to run their departments? I think not. We must put a stop to the out-of-control property taxes that are forcing people on fixed incomes to sell their homes. The collection of this much money, paid for by Bonner County residents is just plain wrong and if the county is collecting twice as much money as they did last year, where are these funds going? I certainly don’t see them going to relieve the financial burdens of the people living here.