Thursday, March 13, 2025

A Christmas story: Memories capture holiday magic

Staff Writer | December 25, 2022 1:00 AM

In a blink, we can close our eyes and transport ourselves to THAT Christmas.

The one where everyone is gathered around, laughing, telling stories and the magic of the season fills every nook and cranny. The snow glistens on the ground, crunching underneath your feet as you race toward the hill to go sledding.

Laughter echoes through the cold, still morning — all is quiet and peaceful ... until a snowball smacks the side of your head, prompting a massive, no-holds-barred snowball fight. Then, the wind whistles past your ears as you race your sled down a mountain of snow.

Finally, shivering with cold despite 20 layers of clothes, like the little brother in “A Christmas Story,” stomping the snow from your boots as you stumble inside, laughing. You grab a big mug of steaming cocoa — marshmallows oozing into the rich chocolate deliciousness, of course.

The tree — whether it’s a freshly cut pine or artificial one with the lights pre-sprinkled throughout the branches — is laden with memory-filled ornaments, each with their own story of Christmas past; family and loved ones gathered around, carols playing softly in the background. Stockings truly are hung by the fireplace with care — and a fire keeps the chill at bay.

The world is silent and quiet as you slip into church for the late-evening Christmas Eve services. The Christmas story is told and hymns joyfully echo through the nave.

Then, as midnight approaches, everyone quietly heads home to slip into bed — but only after a plate of cookies and a glass of milk find their way onto the mantle.

That same sense of magic and wonder fill the Christmas memories of students at Sandpoint Waldorf School. For some, it is waking up — over and over again — checking to see if Santa Claus has visited; for others, it’s a special Christmas breakfast, surrounded by family, laughing and telling stories.

Below, the students share their favorite Christmas memories, traditions and stories.


Ari — “My favorite thing is spending time with my family and opening presents.”

Ayli — “I like opening presents."

Afton — “I like to get presents from my mom and dad and in my family we have a lot of people."

Lennox — “My favorite thing about Christmas is opening presents and buying a new remote control car."

Charli — “I love opening presents and spending time with my friends and family."

Wesley — “I love being with my family."

Finnegan — “I love the presents.”

Third grade

John — “Getting my pet ferret, Gizmo."

Adie — “Putting ornaments on the tree with my family."

Lincoln — “Snow falling and being with my family."

Mila — “Getting my first pony, Henry."

Harper — “Going to my great-Grandma’s house and playing in her backyard and spending time with family."

James — “Getting my pet ferret, Bandit."

North — “Spending time with family."

Annabelle — “Holding Fluffy for the first time."

Charlotte — “Meeting my cat and having him bite me."

Brock — “Waking up on Christmas morning with my dad, step-mom, brother and sister."

Liam — “Opening presents and spending time with my family."

Daphne — “Getting a note from Santa that said my dad needed to clean the chimney."

Emerson — “Spending time with my family."

Scout — “Having company sleeping on the couch and waking up in the morning to family, presents and acting out the nativity."

5th Grade

Griffin — “A memory I’m fond of is me and my daily huddled in our wall tent drinking hot cocoa and apple cider."

Blakely — “My favorite Christmas memory was when I woke up on Christmas day and went sledding."

Rowan — “During Christmas Eve, my sister and my cousin and I get matching pajamas from my nana. Then we have a series of games we call the reindeer games with teams. Me and my dad were on a team last year. We came in second place, but my papa and aunt came in first."

Evelyn — “Every year my family goes on a cruise in Coeur d’Alene to see Santa. This year will be my baby brother’s first time!"

Marin — “One of my favorite Christmas traditions is waking up early every year and waiting in my room with my sister and then, when we can finally come downstairs, my mom and dad take a picture of us."

Rosie — “On Christmas morning when I wake up, I have to wait till the sun rises to wake up my parents so then we can open our stockings."

Theo — “One of my Christmas memories is when I got a brand-new Lego dragon and the next day me and my friend were playing with it and then my little brother (who was 3) pulled off its legs and arms."

Elsa — “What I love doing around Christmas is me and my family do a gingerbread house making contest and it is so fun!"

Grey — “One of my favorite Christmas traditions is every Christmas morning my grandpa makes breakfast candy canes and me and my family eat it for breakfast."

Winslow — “Every Christmas my mom makes monkey bread for breakfast and then we open stockings and presents."

Kai — “My favorite Christmas was five years ago. It was Christmas eve and my parents put me to bed. I could not go to sleep, next thing I know I hear jingle bells on the roof and I go downstairs and there were nothing but gifts and the stockings full. I truly believe that Santa is real and I always will."

Isaac — “One year we flew out to Sandpoint on Christmas Day. We stayed at my aunt and uncle’s house. We went sledding and we built snowmen. My mom and dad and little sister stayed at a hotel and I stayed at my aunt and uncles house and we went to the property that we now own and live on. That was two Christmases ago."

Trennon — “My family usually stays at Schweitzer over Christmas. I love being able to ski and see so much snow around."

Rhys — “On Christmas, my family opens our presents and then eats breakfast."

Sixth grade

Cadyn — “My favorite Christmas memory is when me and my sister got a new sled. We really wanted a new sled because our old one broke. After we were done opening the rest of our presents, we went sledding with it."

Cora — “My favorite Christmas memory is when I was 11, my family and I went to California and we went to see Joshua Trees."

Beckett — “My favorite Christmas memory is … I remember when I was in my bed on Christmas Eve. I don’t remember which year. My brother and I heard footsteps on the roof and were really excited for the morning. I don’t have a favorite Christmas but this is one I remember."

Daegan — “My favorite Christmas memory is when me and my family went to Tahoe, where we stayed at a log cabin that my dad’s friend owned. Another thing I liked about the cabin is there was a river right next to it."

Meadow — “My favorite Christmas memory is when I stayed up late enough that I caught my mom stuffing the stockings because every year I tried to catch her on camera or sleep downstairs but never did."

Athena — “My favorite Christmas memory is when I saw my sister put presents in my stocking, then I waited until she went to bed then I put some stuff in Ava’s, mom’s, dad’s and my animal’s stockings."

Madelina — “My favorite Christmas memory is one time I woke up really early in the morning and saw my stocking and all my presents under the tree and I got my stocking and I went back to bed and took everything out of my stocking and everything was amazing. When it was time for presents, I unwrapped all my presents and I got down to my last one and it was a fish and I was so so happy and I named the fish Candy Cane because it was red, black and white and it was also Christmas, so of course I had to name it something Christmasy."

Baden — “My favorite Christmas memory is opening my bike when I was 6. It was also my favorite because my grandparents were with us. That Christmas I also got to prepare the food with my whole family."

Fate — “My favorite Christmas memory was last Christmas because it was my last Christmas with my dad and we tried to take a picture but the dog kept going crazy and he got very mad."

Madilyn — “My favorite Christmas memory was when I was little I would make cookies for Santa. One time there were big footprints in the snow that led to my new house and I was very excited because I thought it was Santa’s."

Marlon — “My favorite Christmas memory is when I was 3 and I grabbed the ornaments off our Christmas tree and threw a couple on the ground. It was very funny and my parents and older brother got mad at me so I kept doing it until they grabbed me."

Sione — “My favorite Christmas memory is when I was in fourth grade. We set up our trains around our living room and tree. We put white lights inside the houses that were set up around the train track. There was a button on the train that made the train whistle. That is how I woke up on Christmas morning."

Ellie — “My favorite Christmas memory is when you could see a reindeer footprint and Santa’s footprints coming out of our fireplace. It was very cool to see the detail of the footprint. All day me and my sister wouldn’t step foot near them."

Mona — “My favorite Christmas memory is: I was in the fifth grade. I was by my granny's house with my dad, my sister and my mom. It was the first time we ate raclette and it was very yummy. Before we got our presents my mom dressed up like Santa Claus and she was so funny. I loved that Christmas."

Emery — “My favorite Christmas memory is waking up on Christmas morning, having hot cocoa with my mom and brother. While we waited for my dad to wake up so we can all open up our presents.”

Tristan — “My favorite Christmas memory is the gift exchange. I like the gift exchange because you get to pick out a gift. But if you like someone else's gift you could steal it from them. You could only steal the gift three times."

Eighth grade

Izzy — “My favorite Christmas tradition is the treasure hunt we do every Christmas Eve. My mom and dad spend the whole evening making up clues and thinking about good hiding places while we eat Christmas Eve dinner. Right before we read "The Night Before Christmas" and go to bed, my mom gives my cousins and I our first clue. Then we dash around the house, all four of us taking turns reading each clue, while our grandparents take pictures. Usually, the treasure is matching Christmas pjs or socks. It's always fun trying to beat my older brother and cousin to the clues and trying to help my younger cousin read them. My mom and dad think of the best hiding places! After the treasure hunt is done, we all curl up and my mom reads "The Night Before Christmas" to us before we go to bed. Then we try to sleep before “Santa” comes and we open our presents.”

Phin — “My favorite Christmas memory is when a lot of my family came home for Christmas like seven years ago. My house was full with chattering voices and happy laughter. I enjoyed playing with my cousins and seeing my aunts and uncles and my grandma."

Leo — “My favorite Christmas I ever celebrated was my Christmas of 2021, when I was 13 years old. There was one Christmas gift I really loved and was very excited about my first flight simulator and only one I ever had, and a bunch of other good gifts. But the exciting part was Christmas Eve that year. We had a big Christmas party at our house, and we were with good friends having a good time at our house. Santa also came over and I loved to watch the young kids get their gifts from him, which to me was quite amusing, as well."

Polina — “One December when I was around 4 years old my family visited Florida. We were staying in our old house when we got a knock on the door. When we opened the door we found Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and a dog outside. They told me and my sister that the golf cart they came in was their sleigh transformed for Florida and the dog was a baby reindeer. I somehow believed them and that it was all magical. Later I found out they were old neighbors but it was still a good memory."

Claire — “My favorite Christmas memory is one year on Christmas Eve when I was 8. When our elves gave us pajamas and we went caroling at Crystal Mountain up at the base lodge. We had hot cocoa and candy canes and I was with some of my best friends at the time. Then when we went back to the RV we watched ‘A Christmas Carol’ and played with bed pillows."

Avery — “My favorite Christmas memory is from about 10 years ago. I was 3, almost 4 and was dying for a dog. On Christmas morning when I came downstairs I saw a red blanket. It happened to be moving. I walked over to it and out poked a black and white tail. I jumped with fright then took the blanket off and there sat my amazing dog, Paisley. I am overjoyed to have her and couldn’t say I would ever replace her. She has been an amazing dog. ‘Love you Paisley, Merry Christmas.’ ”

Trace — “I remember, when I was little, having a hard time sleeping on Christmas Eve night. All the overwhelming excitement would keep me up for most of the night. One Christmas morning I woke up at around 5 a.m. after a long night of waiting for the morning. I went into my mom's room and woke her up. She then told me to wait on her bed while she went downstairs. A few minutes later she walked into the room with two cups of cocoa and we drank and talked till the rest of the household woke up. It was amazing."

Leah — “Honestly, I don’t remember my childhood enough to say what my favorite Christmas is. Although, I do remember several good moments that have stayed with me. One is skiing with my aunts and uncles and my immediate family after a big snowstorm had left the mountain with some amazing powder. Another is showing my dogs their gifts in front of the fireplace and seeing them scamper away to destroy them. More memories, like watching my family unbox the gifts I got them, sneaking into my mom’s room if I had gotten a big Barbie dollhouse, watching the snow fall out of my dad’s house's big windows, playing games with my friends while we waste the beloved day away and so, so many more just remind me how wonderful holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving are. Now that my sister is in college and my eldest brother has moved out, I’ve come to enjoy the times we’re all together. So, in turn, each Christmas I've lived seems to turn into the Christmas I loved the most."



Sandpoint Waldorf's annual Winter Faire finds local youth and families gathered for holiday cheer and Christmas magic.



Sandpoint Waldorf students laugh and play in the snow during a recent recess.