Friday, February 07, 2025

BGH announces hospital awards, honors

| December 30, 2022 1:00 AM

It is the people who make Bonner General Health the top-notch healthcare facility that it is.

"Bonner General Health operates 24 hours a day, serving patients throughout the region and visitors throughout the U.S.," Sheryl Rickard, BGH chief executive officer said. "What stands out most about our healthcare system is the team of people who keep it running. From housekeeper to nurse, cook to physician, admin to tech support, each Bonner General Health team member gives their all each and every day."

While many team members deserve recognition, a few extraordinary employees stood out in 2022 — not only to their co-workers but to the community, BGH officials said. Those employees were recognized with special honors this year.

DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses:

The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem) Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care nurses provide daily. The DAISY Foundation was established by the family of J. Patrick Barnes after he died from complications of the auto-immune disease ITP in 1999. During his hospitalization, they saw and appreciated the care and compassion shown to Patrick and his entire family. When he died, they felt compelled to say “thank you” to nurses in a very public way.

BGH honored three nurses this year for their extraordinary patient care. Honored were Doug Lambrecht, R.N., Emergency; Kiana Fosness, R.N. – Intensive Care Unit; and Sharon Bistodeau, R.N., house supervisor.

GEM Award for Going the Extra Mile: The GEM award was created by BGH Leadership to mirror the DAISY award. It is dedicated to all non-nursing staff who demonstrate excellence in their work.

"They uphold our BGH values and inspire all of us to do more," Rickard said. "A GEM serves as a role model for compassion & exemplary practice, creates an environment that fosters care & compassion, and serves as a mentor to their co-workers."

Two GEM awards were awarded this year: Janet Edwards, cardiopulmonary; and Michelle Lonzisero, hospice.

Employee of the Year: This award is 100% internal, meaning all nominations come from co-workers and staff, hospital officials said. The honor is awarded to one exceptional individual who has been a shining star in all aspects of their work at BGH. With overwhelming support and multiple nominations, Jaime Martinez was named the BGH Employee of the Year. Co-workers praised the cardiopulmonary and ICU manager for her leadership, support and dedication to BGH patients and co-workers.

“She brings expertise, strong leadership, and unwavering support to her job,” said one co-worker in a nomination letter.

“I am a better employee because of her,” said another.

And a third: “She has been instrumental in improving our standard of care.”

Steven A. Millard Star Garnet Award: The highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the Idaho Hospital Association, The Star Garnet Award recognizes significant career contributions and service to healthcare institutions and associations.

After 35 years of service to BGH, CEO Sheryl Rickard was honored at the IHA annual conference in Sun Valley in October. Upon accepting the award, Rickard recognized the BGH team as an instrumental part of her success and noted, “it takes a village.”

Hospital officials said they are proud and appreciative of Rickard's 35 years of service to Bonner General Health and the community.

Employee of the Month: Employees can submit “kudos” when they witness a team member giving extra care, courtesy, or time to a patient, visitor, or co-worker, outside of their typical work responsibilities. At the end of each month, entries are reviewed, and an employee is selected and honored as Employee of the Month. Recognized in 2022 were:

  • Denise Oselinsky – Emergency Department
  • Sasha Coop – Diagnostic Imaging
  • Holly Skinkle - Materials
  • Erin Miller & Rachel Ratigan – Labor & Delivery
  • Selia Medeiros - ICU
  • Janae Miller - Orthopedics
  • Sharon Beeman - Administration
  • Terry Miller - Accounting
  • Ben Pope – Emergency Department
  • Bryce Cordle – Medical/Surgical Unit
  • Michael Witte – Patient Registration

Volunteer Council Awards: The Volunteer Council at BGH comprises a group of selfless, full-hearted women and men who see the value and significance of supporting their hometown hospital, BGH officials said. Volunteer Council members assist in various areas throughout the hospital, providing those “extra” details that create a meaningful significance in the lives of the hospital's patients.

"They make knitted hats for newborns, host fundraising events that provide education programs to employees, and help out wherever they are needed," BGH officials said in a press release. "Each year, the council honors volunteers who have put extra time, care, and attention into their volunteer duties."

Named Volunteer of the Year is Bonnie Lunderstadt, honored as honorary member is Wanda Savage, and Sherry May was named Outstanding Volunteer.

"Thank you to all of our employees at BGH for the care and compassion you show our patients, their families, and each other," Rickard said in the release.

If you would like to nominate an employee for the DAISY or GEM award, go online to, click on the tabs labeled DAISY or GEM, and fill out the nomination form.


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Nurse Kiana Fosness, R.N., who works in Bonner General Health's ICU, was one of three hospital employees who received a DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem) Award. The international recognition program honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care that nurses provide on a daily basis.


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Nurse Sharon Bistodeau, R.N., who works as BGH house supervisor, was one of three hospital employees who received a DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem) Award. The international recognition program honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care that nurses provide on a daily basis.


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Janet Edwards, right, who works in the hospital's cardiopulmonary department was one of two Bonner General Health employees who received a GEM Award. The award is dedicated to all non-nursing staff who demonstrate excellence in their work.


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Michelle Lonzisero, center, who works in BGH's hospice department was one of two Bonner General Health employees who received a GEM Award. The award is dedicated to all non-nursing staff who demonstrate excellence in their work.


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Jaime Martinez, right, was named BGH Employee of the Year. Co-workers praised the cardiopulmonary and ICU manager, who is pictured with Bonner General CEO Sheryl Rickard, was nominated for the award for her leadership, support and dedication to BGH patients and co-workers.


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After 35 years of service to Bonner General Health, CEO Sheryl Rickard, center, was honored at the IHA annual conference in October with the Steven A. Millard Star Garnet Award. The highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the Idaho Hospital Association, The Star Garnet Award recognizes significant career contributions and service to healthcare institutions and associations.


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