Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Routine business at commissioner’s meeting

Staff Writer | January 12, 2022 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — It was a packed audience for Tuesday’s weekly commissioners meeting.

Commissioners allocated $936,963.20 in county money for routine expenditures, a one-month lease agreement near the Sandpoint Airport, and lights and sirens for the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office’s marine division.

Commissioners began by approving the consent agenda, which contained three liquor licenses, four minor land divisions, and two invoices for the sheriff’s office totaling $8,243 for lights and sirens for the marine division.

The Clerk’s Office brought claims and demands batch spending before the commission for their approval. The $926,220.20 total contains routine expenditures from county departments as well as emergency services.

Commissioners unanimously approved both action items.

The Elections Office asked commissioners for permission to destroy hard copies of old election records because the requirements to preserve the physical documents have expired. The documents include voted ballots over five years old, as well as unmarked ballots and other paper documents used in the elections process. Digital copies of the information can still be found at the Elections Office.

Commissioners approved the document destruction.

The Treasurer’s Office asked the commission to approve the fourth quarterly report for 2021 generated by the Auditor’s and Treasurer’s offices.

Commissioners approved the routine reporting requirement, a full audit of the quarter will be presented to the commissioners at a future meeting sometime in February.

The Airport department asked the commission to approve a one-month $2,500 lease for land that has been acquired by the county. Airport Director Dave Schuck explained that the lease was to allow the previous owners time to move to a new location.

Commissioners approved the lease.

Commissioner Steve Bradshaw brought a resolution before the commission on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners. The resolution regarded the spending of COVID-19 relief funding from the March 2021 American Rescue Plan Act. The item triggered much public comment, and was tabled for one week.

Three items were covered during executive session including hiring and personnel with the Human Resources Department, and a discussion/decision with litigation involving the county.

Commissioner meetings are open to the public and are held on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. in the county administration building at 1500 U.S. 2. Those interested in virtually attending meetings can do so via Zoom, or by livestreaming the meeting on Bonner County’s YouTube channel where an archive of previous meetings can also be viewed.