Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Funding for arts and new city commission

Hagadone News Network | January 13, 2022 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — The city received a National Endowment for the Arts American Rescue Plan Act grant and approved appointment to the city’s Arts, Culture, Historic Preservation Commission at the Jan. 5 city council meeting.

The $150,000 grant is from ARPA funds to go to local art agencies for sub-granting programs. This grant will provide $50,000 in funding for the city’s new part-time position for a creative vitality coordinator/historic preservation officer.

The position was recommended in the recently adopted Arts, Culture and Historic Preservation Master Plan, said city staff in a staff report.

The additional $100,000 in funding will support pass-through grants to Sandpoint nonprofit arts organizations to ensure their recovery and stability during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, said city staff in a staff report. The grants program will be designed and administered by the CV coordinator in collaboration with the newly seated Arts, Culture and Historic Preservation Commission and the city’s chief grants compliance officer.

Serving on the Arts, Culture, Historic Preservation Commission are Barry Burgess, Rick Decker, Stephen Bond Garvan, Carol Kovalchuk, Woody Sherwood, Elle Susnis, Heather Upton and Karin Wedemeyer, founder and current executive director at the Music Conservatory of Sandpoint.

Many members of the new commission have served on the Sandpoint Art’s Commission, other arts organizations and nonprofits. They have experience in national historic districts, real estate and the arts.