Saturday, September 28, 2024

Forget the gimmicks and focus on fitness

by NATALIE DREGER Contributing Writer
| January 19, 2022 1:00 AM

You know being physically fit is good for you, right? Do you know why?

Here's a few good reasons — OK, 10 good reasons — why you need to make your health a priority. In an age where empty gimmicks can be found on any website and are littered throughout social media, let me remind you: There are no magic bullets. Your magic bullet is you. So to inspire you, kick you when you need to be kicked and to encourage you to get motivated and stay committed, here are my reasons to get fit — today.

1. Live long, live healthy

In an eight-year study of more than 20,000 men, those who were lean but unfit had twice the risk of death as fit, lean men. Regular physical activity reduces the risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and colon cancer. It reduces the risk of having a stroke. It may also reduce the risk of breast cancer and lung cancer. Take advantage of your life and live it.

2. Your weight will be under control

Most people who lose weight gain it back within one to three years, but that’s because they don’t exercise. Movement remains the key. Among those who succeed at keeping the weight off, more than 95 percent work out regularly. Your body needs to be your priority — you cannot get fit or stay fit for anyone else. Make your exercise important — and magically — it will happen.

3. Daily life becomes easier

I hear this common complaint all too often — “I don’t have enough energy to work out.” Something to remind yourself — working out actually gives you energy. In one study, middle-aged women who lifted weights for a year became 27 percent more active in daily life than before they started weight lifting. Regular exercise also increases your strength and stamina, allowing you to better handle common activities such as carrying a heavy bag of groceries, climbing a flight of stairs … or, shoveling snow.

4. You’ll strengthen your bones

Both men and women start losing bone mass around age 35. Lifting weights cannot only halt the decline, but in some cases can reverse it. This drastically reduces your risk of osteoporosis. Weight bearing activities like walking and running also help keep your bones strong. So, get busy.

5. Lower back pain is prevented and reduced

Strengthening your abdominal and lower back muscles can do wonders to ward off lower back pain and reduce discomfort if you already suffer from this pain.

6. Immune system

Regular exercise strengthens your immune system — which means, you will get sick less often. I know some of you like to call in “sick” to work … but, do you like to BE sick?

7. Mood enhancer

A large amount of research shows that you have a better sense of well-being following a workout. Thanks to chemicals released in the brain during exercise, feelings of anxiety, depression, anger and stress are diminished during a workout. Not only does a single workout make you feel better, but regular exercise lets you enjoy long lasting psychological benefits.

8. Better sleep

People who exercise regularly fall asleep faster, sleep longer and wake up less often during the night than people who are sedentary.

9. Look and feel better

Everyone looks better when they’re in shape, and when you look better you definitely feel better. When you feel better — it affects everyone around you. Be full of life. Maintain that great energy — and smile — people will want to be around you.

10. You’ll enjoy life more

Life is much more fun when you’re physically fit. You have energy, strength and confidence, and are more productive in everything you do. Next time you are watching life pass you by, start living it instead. Exercise, eat right and stay on your path toward a better you.

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness professional. She can be reached at