Friday, July 26, 2024

Rainbow Kitchen once again open

| July 6, 2022 1:00 AM

The Gardenia Center Rainbow Kitchen is open again after weathering a flood.

The center offers homemade soups, desserts, coffee and tea, and seasonally, and various garden salads. The kitchen is open Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and center officials and volunteers hope to see more people stop by and have a great lunch.

“We have served our beautiful community for decades but recently not many have come to take advantage of our offerings,” said one volunteer.

Volunteers said patrons have them they've seen the same thing at other soup kitchens.

"The clientele is way down, and we really want to serve those who are in need. We love to hear the joyful socializing and laughter,” said another volunteer. All are invited to come for the friendship as well as a free meal.

The Rainbow Soup Kitchen is across the street from the post office on Church Street.