Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Final Jacey's Race supports a big cause

Sports Editor | July 21, 2022 1:00 AM

Despite his mask, one could see the joy on Riley Albertson's face as the day unfolded on Saturday, July 10, at the 2022 Jacey's Race in Sandpoint.

It was the largest Jacey's Race to date with 773 registered participants. Importantly, all were there to support Riley, a 10-year-old boy, currently being treated for acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.

There is something very powerful when a child can see and feel the love and care emanating from so many.

Jacey's Race has been run for 20 years as an annual event, first in Boulder, Colorado, and for the past 16 years in Sandpoint, benefitting 56 children and 9 organizations and agencies that also support our community's children.

Rachel Cundy took home the 2022 5K race and Nathan Roche won it for the men.

Jenifer Anderson and Shaunavee Dick rounded out the top three for the women.

Andrew Fisher and Michael Hall made up the top three for the men.

The race was also split into age groups, ranging from six years old all the way to 80-plus.

The top runners (12 and under) for the 1K were; Miro Parr-Coffin, Kohta Fisher, Emma Anderson, Trevor Tadic, Cruz Oliver, Weston Bostock, Blakeley Marshall, Milan Patel, Max Burton, and Xina Schicker.

Although a bittersweet decision, the Jacey's Race Board members have elected to end this race at this time.

The members wish to thank the hundreds of sponsors, supporters, volunteers and thousands of runners, and walkers over the past several years who collectively have brought joy to so many children, as they participated in this healthy and fun community event.

Current Jacey's Race Board Members Include: Alice Holt, Alicia Walker, Alison and Scott Burgstahler, Amy Sutliff, Anna Blackford, Carla Kirby, Chris Hughes, Donna Armbruster, Ellen Weissman, Jacelyn and Calena Lawson, Jessica and Patrick Rachels, Karen and Allen McClelland, Kent Anderson, Matt and Angie Brass, Rich and Lena Holub, Ron and Nanci Jenkins, Sierra Scott and Tim and Sandy Ross



OVERALL — 1, Rachel Cundy. 2, Jenifer Anderson. 3, Shaunavee Dick. 6-9 years old — 1, Avalon Gillis. 2, Olivia Watson. 3, Boheme Parr-Coffin. 10-14 years old — 1, Kate Anderson. 2, Paloma Parr-Coffin. 3, Sophie Brubaker. 15-19 years old — 1, Madyson Beesley. 2, Indie Brakken. 3, Megan Uria. 20-29 years old — 1, Kayleen McMillian. 2, Marian Sodderberg. 3, Matilda Hicks. 30-39 years old — 1, Jenifer Inman. 2, Maize Trempert. 3, Tawney MacDonald. 40-49 years old — 1, Becky Haag. 2, Kylie Schaefer. 3, Katie Vogan. 50-59 years old — 1. Jenifer Barden. 2, Eiron Remsen. 3, Cindy Cohen. 60-69 years old — 1, Linda Astrom. 2, Amy Lammert. 3, Beverly McFarland. 70-79 years old — 1, Janice Pritchard. 2, Valerie Milliron. 3, Sunny Blende. 80+ — 1, Carol Wright. 2, Barbara McManis. 3, Isabel Hollriegel.


OVERALL — 1, Nathan Roche. 2, Andrew Fisher. 3, Michael Hall. 6-9 years old — 1, Xander Connor. 2, Skyler Chapman. 3, Jace Trempert. (Caleb Bult crossed the line first, although in a stroller due to disability). 10-14 years old — 1, Miro Parr-Coffin. 2, Landon Conner. 3, Sawyer Brakken. 15-19 years old — 1, Kasten Grimm. 2, Jimmy Cornelius. 3, Anders Eastly. 20-29 years old — 1, Ryan Uria. 2, Brandon Beck. 3, Levi Favor. 30-39 years old — 1, Brad Long. 2, Patrick Understeller. 3, Zach Jones. 40-49 years old — 1, Josh Burt. 2, Eric Anderson. 3, Erik Coffin. 50-59 years old — 1, Howard Stoddard. 2, Harkin Banks. 3, Mark Linscott. 60-69 years old — 1, Michael Haney. 2, William Condee. 3, Jeff Breakey. 70-79 years old — 1, Bruce Braverman. 2, Eric Brakken. 3, Bird Nietman. 80+ years old — 1, Bill McAdam. 2, Bill Currie. 3, Dick Foster.