Wednesday, March 26, 2025

STEM at the Park: Pine Street Woods version

by BRENDEN BOBBY Contributing Writer
| July 27, 2022 1:00 AM

Last month, we had geared up to host a STEM program at Pine Street Woods, only for it to fall through at the last moment. Unfortunately, I had gotten sick - I made the call to postpone the program rather than risk infecting anyone else. A day of disappointment is better than a week under the weather!

Now that I’m in the clear, the Avengers-style team-up between the East Bonner County Library and the Kaniksu Land Trust have doubled our efforts to make sure we can host this program and make it more awesome than ever.

Come find the STEM trailer at Pine Street Woods on Thursday, June 28, from 3-5 p.m., where I will have a mobile research center set up for aspiring earth scientists of all ages. Here you’ll be able to use pipettes and sample collectors to gather soil and water samples and then look at them under one of the library’s microscopes, including a powerful research-grade microscope donated by a very generous patron.

If you have your library card with you, you can even check out a set of binoculars while you scout the trails. Come back to the research center and report your findings, and see what other unique discoveries your neighbors have spotted in the area. Just be sure to return the binoculars when you’re done!

We hope you’ll come participate in science for the afternoon.

Brenden Bobby can be reached at the East Bonner County Library, 1407 Cedar St., Sandpoint, by phone at 208-263-6930, or email at