Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Nearly $1M allocated at weekly meeting

Staff Writer | June 2, 2022 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — County expenses, guardian appointments, and job advertisements made up the entire main agenda of Tuesday’s 10-minute Board of County Commissioners meeting.

Six-figure spending totaling $818,499.69 was allocated for claims and demand batch spending.

Claims and demand batch spending, simplified, is comprised of the routine bills, costs, and purchases needed to maintain county services, including those from emergency medical services.

Other spending approved by the commission included $14,000 on batteries to be used by the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office, and $142,000 for cabinets, computers, and a lease payment for the new ambulance in the Emergency Medical Services department.

Altogether, approved county spending in the public agenda of Tuesday's meeting comes to $974,499.69. Another total of $37,767 to be spent on technology and planning was addressed in the executive session portion of the meeting.

The commission also addressed employment positions and opportunities.

The Human Resources department got the commission's approval to advertise for positions in four different departments.

The assistance office gained approval to re-appoint four guardians to the Board of Community Guardians.

The Board of Community Guardians is a volunteer-only board where individuals are tasked with functioning as a guardian or conservator for an incapacitated person who does not have a person or insitiution qualified to take care of them.

Board members are appointed by commissioners after passing a background check and meeting other requirements. Terms last for four years, and members can only serve for three successive terms.

The Board of County Commissioners hold public meetings every Tuesday at 9 a.m. in the administrative building located at 1500 U.S. 2. Those interested in virtually attending can do so via Zoom. A livestream of the meeting can be watched on the Bonner County YouTube page, where an archive of previous meetings can be viewed.