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Go back in time with the Sandpoint Renaissance Faire

Staff Writer | June 7, 2022 1:00 AM

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SANDPOINT – Prepare for merriment as the Sandpoint Renaissance Faire is set to return the community to the days of yore.

The faire takes participants — and attendees — back to approximately 1583, a time when England was ruled by the previous longest-running Queen Elizabeth I, the daughter of King Henry XIII, the first born child of Queen Anne Boleyn. Her Majesty much preferred revelry of arts theater, music, and dance. The celebrated queen was also known for avoiding marriage matters by parliament and remaining a virgin queen all while befriending some of the world's most historical and greatest pirates, just before the destruction of the Spanish Armada in 1588.

The Renaissance Faire is a chance for locals to come together and enjoy a time long since passed. The faire invites the community to feel the vibrance, of the era by enjoying the liveliness, laughing, and basking in one of history’s most well-known periods. Event organizer Tanya Anderson said attendees can partake of the day by eating fine foods, drinking the best wines and ales, and, of course, enjoying the merriment — all of which are reminiscent of the era.

Events and activities will include a visit to Pirate Cove, the home of Thee Blind Pew.

For “a few small tokens,” Pirate Cove will give festival-goers a chance to take part in a pirate game, following a treasure map to a prize. Nearby, attendees will have a chance to visit Weezil to learn how to throw an ax like a medieval master.

Adults 21 and up, can drink and be merry at the Ale House where one can quench thy thirst, and ye ale be served by wench. The ale, approved by the Queen's Guards, will be run by the Veteran of Foreign Wars Post 2453, with proceeds donated to the post to help veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.

The Ren Faire will also be donating to the Bonner Community Food Bank. Adult festival-goers will be able to enter the festival at discounted ticket price when donating a bag of canned food.

Children will be able to enjoy the Fairie Realm, hosted by Three Flower Fairies. Being parents themselves, Sandpoint Renaissance Faire board members said they understood the frustrations of not only paying an entrance fee, but also a separate fee for children to enjoy activities. This understanding led to the creation of the Fairie Realm.

“We wanted a fun environment for children where they can create, play, enjoy arts, and it does not cost parents extra,” Anderson said.

Performances will take place throughout the weekend from many performers including Wild Heart Equestrian, Vertical Elements and, of course, Queen Elizabeth I herself with her court of ladies and royal guards will also make an appearance.

The faire will be held from 10 a.m.-6 p.m., June 11-12, at the Bonner County Fairgrounds, 4203 N. Boyer road, Sandpoint. This event will feature more than 30 vendors including 10 food vendors. Attire can be time period or current century daily wear.

Tickets are $15 for adults (or $13 with a donation for the food bank); and $10 for seniors and children between the ages of 5 and 17. Children 4 years and under will be admitted free.