Saturday, September 28, 2024

Bonner County History - March 1, 2022

| March 1, 2022 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

March 1, 1972 – PROUDLY WE SALUTE…

Navy Seaman Larry G. Saunders, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Gene Saunders of 417 S. Ella, Sandpoint, has sailed for South America aboard the destroyer USS Mullinnix, the Norfolk, Va. Based flagship for Destroyer Squadron 36. He is a 1969 SHS graduate.

Navy Seaman Larry M. Gilstad, husband of the former Antonea M. Venishnick of 402 S. Boyer Ave., Sandpoint, has reported for duty at U.S. Naval Communications Station, Republic of the Philippines. A 1969 SHS graduate, he joined the Navy last year.



Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Krum of Sandpoint announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Kathleen, to Theodore Hadley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hadley, also of Sandpoint. The couple are 1970 graduates of Sandpoint Senior High. They are both attending the University of Idaho. She is a sophomore majoring in elementary education and Hadley, a junior, is majoring in music education. An August wedding is planned.



Listed on the honor roll for the fall quarter at Walla Walla Community College, Walla Walla, Wash., were 71 “straight A” students including Bonnie Goin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Goin, former Sandpoint residents. Miss Goin, a 1971 graduate of Sandpoint Senior High, is enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing Program. Upon completion of the two-year course, she will receive her R.N. degree.

100 Years Ago

Northern Idaho News

March 1, 1922 – PARAGRAPHS

Commodore Downs of Pack river vicinity, was in the city in consultation with a physician. Downs is 80 years of age, 55 of them spent in western Montana and the Idaho panhandle. For three years beginning in 1867 he was a mailcarrier on the Walla Walla – Missoula route, traversing his route on foot. He fished in Lake Pend d’Oreille when there were no whitefish here, and the lake swarmed with trout. As a guide for the first Northern Pacific civil engineers who routed that line, he led them over the present route of the road along the Cabinet gorge as far as Clarksfork, showing them the only feasible point to bridge the river.



The flu epidemic going the rounds in some areas, especially New York City, is a different disease from the deadly Spanish influenza of three years ago. The Spanish flu of 1918-19 took its heaviest death toll among the middleaged. Flu this winter is mild. Its mortality is slight. Most of its victims are the aged and very young. It’s really Russian flu, like the epidemic of 32 years ago. Grandma called it “la grippe.”



Sandpoint seems to be getting its share of honors at the state university this year. Last week the election of Rollin Farmin as vice president of the sophomores was announced and this week comes the report of the election of Jean Rowlands as secretary of the juniors.

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