Friday, September 27, 2024

Bonner Bonner County History - March 24, 2022

| March 24, 2022 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

March 24, 1972 – SIGN OF SPRING

The annual sand push-around at City Beach began last week, preparing the beach for summer use. A major improvement program is under way there with the aid of a federal grant recently received by the city.



Carol Neumann, Sandpoint High School sophomore, has won the first superior rating ever achieved by a SHS student in statewide declamation competition. Carol, along with two other Sandpoint entrants and adviser Miss Florine Dooley, was in Boise last week for the state meet after winning an identical rating in regional competition held at SHS the week before.



Sixty-two members of Zeta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met at Kellogg on March 18 for election of officers and a program. Attending from Bonner County were Gertrude Bower, Ann Brunsell, Margaret Hunter, Lucille Holt, Mabel Kinney, Elaine Narestad, Ruby Phelps, Ada Phillips, Margaret Phillips, Alberta Sutliff, Betty Robinson, Blanche Senft, Amelia Trester and Eva Whitehead, who was elected president.



New officers for Bonner County Cattlemen’s Assn. are president Bill Woolsey; vice president Art Jasman; past president Art Burnett; and directors Harold Glabb, George Anderson, Wain Geaudreau and Jim Wood.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

March 24, 1922 – FAIL TO OUST PASTOR

Priest River saw a teapot tempest Saturday when the district superintendent and his assistant for the Congregational church held hearings on complaints made against the Priest River pastor, that he “played cards, danced and smoked; and violated a confidence, seeking to keep another out of a lodge.” Authentic information from Priest River is to the effect that if the reverend smoked, he “smoked good cigars.” After the hearings, the superintendent issued a statement: “The church has no fault to find with Rev. Lynch’s manner of living or the conduct of his work. He will retain his pulpit at least until January 1, 1923.”



Helmer Sletager and Rosella Howe, a young Selle couple, were licensed to marry Tuesday.

The last Boy Scout basket ball game of the season will take place tomorrow evening in the high school gymnasium when troop No. 1 of Sandpoint plays a return game with troop No. 5 of Bonners Ferry.



Coming at a time when spring thaws are breaking up winter logging and the roads are too soft for the start of summer logging, with many woods-workers being laid off, the decision of the executive board of district No. 10 of the Four L’s to maintain the 8-hour day and the present wage scale of 37½ cents per hour or $3 per day, in north Idaho, will be joyfully received by thousands of lumber workers of this region.

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