Thursday, May 02, 2024

Sandpoint council honors area firefighters

| May 6, 2022 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT – It’s only fitting that, on a day that pays tribute to firefighters, the city of Sandpoint held a pinning ceremony to recognize Zach Ukich’s new rank as captain.

The ceremony was part of an effort by Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad and City Council to honor the city’s firefighters on International Firefighters Day.

International Firefighters Day is recognized around much of the globe annually on May 4, in remembrance of five Australian firefighters who lost their lives battling a fire in the Australian state of Victoria on Dec. 2, 1998.

May 4 was chosen because of the connection between firefighters and St. Florian, the patron saint of firefighters, chimney sweeps, and brewers. The date is recognized as a feast day in the Catholic faith for St. Florian. It also is why the Cross of St. Florian remains a common symbol for firefighters and the organizations which support them. Now May 4 is a day that honors not the patron saint of firefighters, but the service and sacrifice of firefighters everywhere.

“Including here in Sandpoint, where we very much value and appreciate our firefighters and recognize their countless contributions to our community every single day,” Rognstad said

After thanking the area’s firefighters for their service, the mayor and council members witnessed another long-held firefighter tradition — a pinning ceremony. The ceremony is held to bestow a firefighter with their new badge when they achieve a new rank.

In the Wednesday ceremony, Selkirk Fire & Rescue Chief Gavin Gilcrease promoted Zach Ukich to captain. An honor bestowed to those who complete their preliminary training, but also marking the beginning of a career that will require diligence and extreme focus.

As is with tradition Ukich was allowed to choose a member of his family to receive his pin from, his eldest daughter Presley was given this privilege. With his wife Cody and youngest daughter Nora, in attendance Ukich made the transition from firefighter to fire officer, made particularly special by receiving this honor on a day that pays respect to firefighters worldwide.