Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Donations boost SHS Grad Night

Staff Writer | May 11, 2022 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT – Last month, Sandpoint High School Grad Night organizers asked the community support to ensure the tradition continues.

They asked, and the community delivered.

The organizing committee said since putting the word out that help was needed, they have seen an incredible amount of support from the community. Families and businesses have donated nearly three-quarters of the $20,000 goal, bringing what has been raised to almost $14,000.

“We are still plugging along but with this amount, we can get a positive event in place for our seniors. We will still need volunteers for the night of the event,” said event organizer Patricia Butler. “Thank you to the areas for stepping up and [it’s] because of the community's generosity”

Donations will go toward the event itself but also food, drinks, and prizes in the form of “essential” gift baskets, gift cards, and more.

This year's event has a theme called “Backyard BBQ” that will feature bonfires and lawn games plus traditional barbecue food. Before the end of the night, every student will have the chance to win a prize but will walk away with valued memories of this time-honored tradition, organizers said.

While monetary, and item donations are still needed and appreciated, the committee said at the moment their biggest need is for volunteers. Parents, family members, and community members can help send off SHS seniors by volunteering. To sign up, contact Patricia Butler via email at