Vote Mark Sauter For Idaho House Seat 1A
Please elect Mark Sauter for our Legislative District 1A. Mark is a traditional Republican, well known for his hard work in whatever task he takes on. Many of you may have met Mark through his fire outreach with Selkirk Fire.
Leadership comes easy for Mark who spent over 30 years in fire and EMS service. He retired as a fire chief and has continued his commitment to public safety in a volunteer capacity.
Mark Sauter stands for job growth and quality education. He supports law enforcement and public safety. As someone who has had a career in being on the front line in emergencies, Mark understands courage and how to make solid decisions under duress.
Mark is committed to community solutions and has provided some of the best answers in the many forums conducted here in North Idaho. He has taken time to do his homework, explore issues with the professionals and to listen and learn. We need this kind of representation in our state legislative house of representatives.
As long-term North Idaho residents, we fully endorse Mark Sauter. Please vote for Mark Sauter. You can find more information on Mark at
Moyie Springs