Thanksgiving is a good time for God
I don't know about you, but there is plenty to be anxious about this November of 2022. I've heard that anxiety levels are at an all time high. There are bigger things out there — world, country, state, and right down to community — to cause worry. But ultimately it's my own life where I'm trying to get some peace.
The Apostle Paul makes mention of this in a completely unique way, “For momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things that are seen, but at the things which are not seen.”
I hardly think any of us would call our lives “a momentary light affliction.” Doesn't feel that way when I'm in it. But maybe that's because I'm too focused on what I see. So called “reality.” There's not a lot of encouragement to look at what is not seen. That's not even on the table.
Thanksgiving is a good time to put it there. The “unseen” Paul speaks of is a life carrying an “eternal weight of glory.” How do you weigh glory? An eternal weight of magnificence beyond my momentary light trouble.
Jesus — when you read His life — has won this unseen glory for every single person. It's definitely “on the table.” The linchpin is believing in and acting upon who He is and what He has done. He has compelling, soothing words for any anxiety — “Come to Me, all who are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He can say this because He came as Savior among His own creation to bring the gift of eternal life.
Thanksgiving tables are going to fill with turkey and stuffing (or is it dressing?); with green beans and fruit salad; rolls and sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes; gravy and cranberry sauce; pumpkin pie — and plenty of other variety. There will be Macy's parade and football games — friends and family — all the wonder, and if you're the cook — exhaustion, but hopefully a satisfied tired.
Some homes will go around the table and hear what each person is most thankful for. Other homes will have someone missing or ill — and find it almost impossible to dredge up thankful things — because that one thing is such a huge consuming shadow. Still others won't give a thought to anything but eating. And heartbreakingly, some people will have neither home nor table.
Most likely everyone will have some worry simmering on the back burner. Many with the lid on. That momentary light affliction. All the things that are not my choice.And ones that are — but the choice was wrong.
What if I could view anxiousness and sorrow and suffering as truly temporary — belonging only in the seen world. What if I could see into the unseen — to a glory beyond my wildest dreams. And a joyful God who welcomes me and makes all things new.
That could totally transform my Thanksgiving. Put glory on the table.