Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Bonner County History - Oct. 2, 2022

| October 2, 2022 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint Daily Bee

Oct. 2, 1972 – MURRAY WINS AWARD

SHS senior Linda Murray, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray, Oden Bay, has won the state 4-H photography award. Miss Murray, 18, will receive an all-expense paid trip to the National 4-H Congress in Chicago, sponsored by Eastman Kodak Co.



An unforgettable missionary journey of 16,000 air miles, 4,500 sea miles, and 3,000 land miles began on Labor Day when Rev. Jim Doak, Mabel Cash, Mabel Kinney, Lucille Kannady, Marie Wallace, Dorothy Gooby and Frank Cochrane left Spokane by plane for Seattle to connect with an Overseas National Airways plane at Oakland, Calif. There followed 14 days of climbing in and out of buses, over rocks, trying to decide how one ruin was different than the last, shaking heads at the many peddlers, mingling with fellow tourists, taking pictures on the run, and other new experiences. The group arrived home, happy to be back in the clear brisk air of Bonner County, but very thankful for the chance to experience such a wonderful trip and to see and learn so much.



Harold Marley, owner of Sandpoint IGA Foodliner, said the new S & H Green Stamp catalog with 385 popular holiday gift items is available at the store for customers. The catalog contains over 200 items available for two or less books of S & H stamps. The new catalog is titled, “More for You in ’72.”

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review


Game Warden W.W. Pickett and J.L. Anderson, a Spokane county deputy game warden, went to the sloughs between Denton and Clarksfork Monday to sein out bass which were trapped in the sloughs along the railway. This was done under the terms of a swap by which the bass were to go to Liberty Lake, Spokane county, to return an equal amount of croppies to Bonner county for planting in landlocked lakes with no outlet, such as Shepherds lake at the Nieman ranch and others of similar character. The wardens secured 10,000 bass of from one to four inches in size. The croppies will be delivered here within a short time.



Clyde Chaffins of Sandpoint, a major on the staff of Gen. John J. Pershing at G.H.Q. in France, who kept his rank as a member of the reserve, received notice from headquarters of the 104th division at Ft. Douglas, Salt Lake City, that he is promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel and has been assigned assistant chief-of-staff of the division. Chaffins was made a knight of the Black Star in the French Legion of Honor for meritorious service in the war.



Local sportsmen have been busy for days building blinds on the most favorable locations and otherwise getting ready for the opening of the duck season.

For more information, visit the museum online at