Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Elk meal served to Priest River lodge members

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| October 19, 2022 1:00 AM

20 Years Ago — 2002

Grizzly killed near Priest Lake

Federal and state wildlife officials are investigating a shooting death of a grizzly bear in the Selkirk Mountains. The carcass of the four-year-old male was discovered on Oct. 4 on Lamb Creek Road, about seven miles west of Priest Lake.

30 Years Ago — 1992

Rovers make toy run

About 50 members of the Roving Gamblers Motorcycle Club of Spokane made their annual toy run to Priest River on Sunday, Oct. 4. This is about the sixth year the club has done so, bringing toys for Toys for tots and canned goods for the West Bonner County Food Bank

40 Years Ago — 1982

Pendleton sentenced

Kenneth L. Pendleton, suspect in the holdup of the Priest River Office of the First National Bank of North Idaho, has been given a four-year sentence for escape from the North Dakota state penitentiary. Pendleton escaped on March 30, 1981, and was recaptured in Edmonds, Wash., June 28, 1982.

50 Years Ago — 1972

Spartans defeat Riverside

Friday the 13th was a lucky day for the Priest River Spartans. They defeated the riverside Rams 19-6.

60 Years Ago — 1962

Buttercups meet

The Buttercups have a new number — they are now Brownie Troop 162. The girls worked on their scrapbooks and sit-upons under direction of their leaders, Mrs. Leland Messersmith and Mrs. Art Hoiland. Members present at the meeting were new member Kathleen Cary, and Pamela and Juanita Olson, Connie Hammons, Rae Nell Van Vleet, Mara’d Connolly, Sandra Fuher, Doris Hoiland and Diane Baker.

70 Years Ago — 1952

New Dodge is a beauty

Tony Jachetta says the premier showing of the brand-new, all new ‘52 Dodge will be held Oct. 23 at Runck’s Garage. Tony says it’s “the active car for active Americans.”

80 Years Ago — 1942

House passes draft bill

Acting on the suggestion of President Franklyn D. Roosevelt and the request of the War Department, the House passed and sent to the Senate legislation to reduce the minimum draft age from 20 to 18. Those in high school and college may finish the present school year.

The following from Priest River took their physical exam Oct. 21: Lemuel Dailey, Raymond Johnson, Carl Schwartz, Norman Brown, Forrest Brown and John Ockert.

90 Years Ago — 1932

Asking your vote

I wish to remind my friends and acquaintances that I am a candidate for Constable subject to the coming election. If you believe I would make an efficient constable, vote for me on the Democratic ballot. A. C. Van Valkenburg

100 Years Ago — 1922

Elk served to Elks

The Cultus Club served a dinner at Hotel Van Dever Saturday evening to the Elks and their friends. Each Elk was given a portion of Elk meat that had been given to the club by Dr. C. P. Getzlaff and C. W. Herr.