Wednesday, March 26, 2025

LPOSD keeps parents in 'The Loop'

Staff Writer | September 6, 2022 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT – Lake Pend Oreille School District’s second edition of the monthly edublog, called “The Loop”, came packed with back-to-school information just in time for the new school year.

Since taking over as superintendent in July, Dr. Becky Meyer set out to accomplish several goals. Chiefly among them was improving community communication with more open lines of communication between parents and the district.

“The main thing my first year is to really increase communication out to everybody and ensure that people feel involved and that they know what's going on, that we're transparent,” Meyer said. “So really increasing communication [and] creating avenues for people to have their voice heard.”

To achieve that, Meyer has taken a number of steps, including creating the monthly edublog and hiring a communications liaison, Kristin Hawkin who oversees all communication for the district and is responsible for publishing the blog.

“The LPOSD Loop is a tool to inform parents, community members, and staff about noteworthy events and news applicable to the school district, and its programs. I will utilize various methods of delivering information to the public through the edublog, including videos, stories, infographics, web links, and pictures,” Hawkins said.

Debuting at the end of July, the blog’s first edition gave readers a deeper insight into the district and introduced Meyer, Hawkins, and the district office staff. Also in the July edition, readers can find an explanation of Meyer’s plan for the foreseeable future, Panhandle Alliance for Education news, early back-to-school information, and information about another new initiative from by Meyer the District Safety Task Force.

Read the July edition of “The Loop” here;

Since publishing the first and now the second blog, Hawkins said the success of the blog can be marked by the community.

“We have received a lot of positive feedback. Specifically, readers have expressed appreciation for LPOSD’s enhanced communication efforts,” Hawkins said.

The second edition, published in August, doubles down on the back-to-school information and gives a deeper look into the DSTF, linking a video presentation from the group and further explaining plans for the school year.

In the blog’s introduction, Meyer makes it clear that safety is the district's main priority for this school year. Giving a glimpse into further actions that will be taken, the superintendent said parents and families should be prepared for the new safety measures that come as a result of the task force’s preliminary findings.

Those measures include all interior doors being locked, all staff being identified by badges and all visitors to the school will be expected to follow suit by signing in at the office and acquiring an identification badge.

The new blog also gives a deeper insight into district programs and spreads good news such as Sandpoint High School is the recipient of a grant from Ting, a local internet provider, that will fund updates to the SHS computer lab and more.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know more about the many programs and people who are making a positive impact on our community through their invested interest in students,” Hawkins said.

To stay in the loop or to sign up to receive the blog visit;