Wednesday, March 26, 2025

New club ready for Aktion

| September 25, 2022 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Everyone should know the fun — and the rewards — of being a part of Kiwanis.

That is the basic premise behind the Kiwanis Aktion Club - where development has no disability, said Dick Vail of the Sandpoint Kiwanis Club.

Gary Jones of the Sandpoint Kiwanis Club is holding several meetings to determine if there is enough interest to charter a club, via the Sandpoint Kiwanis Club. The Aktion Club is a service club which is part of Kiwanis International.

"Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities with more than 11,000 members," Vail said. "Club members become competent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of service."

That point was driven home by a young woman attending an initial meeting regarding the formation of an Aktion Club in Sandpoint.

“I’d just like to be active in service and give back to the community instead of being told to go home and watch TV all afternoon," the woman said as she attended the initial meeting regarding the formation of an Aktion Club in Sandpoint.

The Aktion Club is for adults, 18 years and older, of all abilities giving through service and developing community leaders, Vail said. "More than 11,000 adults with disabilities are involve in this Kiwanis family program, developing leadership skills while working with others to help those in need," Vail told the Daily Bee. "Aktion Club empowers members to be themselves, work together with friends, and implement plans through action."

Through the Aktion Club members become leaders in their community, Kiwanis members said.

Coeur d’Alene has had an active club for years and when Jones learned there was no club in the greater Sandpoint area, he suggested one be chartered.

"There appears to be a great deal of support and a number of folks have signed up to be charter members," Vail said.

Vail said Aktion Club members elect their own officers and plan and prepare their own service projects. A Kiwanis advisor is available to help, initially, in organizing the clubs efforts.

The Sandpoint Kiwanis Aktion Club will meet Oct. 11 at 3:45 p.m. The meeting will be held at Building “B” at Panhandle Special Needs, 1424 N. Bonner St., Sandpoint. Jones will be on hand to answer questions and folks who have expressed interest in the club will also be present.

Information: Gary Jones, 360-466-8597; or