Thursday, March 06, 2025

The distraction is insidious and clear

| April 2, 2023 1:00 AM

In response to Nancy Gerth, you are absolutely correct about the failure of at least two of the Idaho legislators in this district.

Donations (out-of-state money) from Big Pharma and big corporations have always been a very effective means for buying the votes of spineless politicians driven by greed and lust for power.

What surprises me is the contribution amounts from the “bigs” appear to be pretty insignificant overall. The Idaho Campaign Finance Portal shows in a recent election cycle that one of these politicians can be bought for a measly $3,000.

For now, making it clear to them we know who they are and what they are doing applies pressure. And with enough pressure, their corruption and dirty deeds will be exposed. Once the infection is cleaned out, a new foundation that actually works for the people can be established.

P.S. One way to get these politicians to personally respond to your inquiries is to word the email subject line in such a way that it appears you are offering kudos. They simply cannot resist an ego stroke.

