Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Short BOCC meeting likely this week

Staff Writer | August 20, 2023 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — No commissioner items have been placed on the Bonner County commissioners Tuesday meeting agenda, resulting in a hopefully speedy meeting.

Aside from the consent agenda, the commissioners are set to hear from a number of county departments regarding monetary requests and contract renewals. The Solid Waste department will also talk to the commissioners about scrap metal, wood-grinding waste and household hazardous waste disposal bid advertisements.

A representative from the airport is also expected to come before the commissioners to discuss an amendment to the aviation legal counsel engagement.

The meeting is expected to end with two executive sessions: One for human resource topics and the other for risk management. Executive sessions are closed to the public to give officials a chance to discuss confidential information; however, all decisions must be made in open session.

Board of Bonner County Commission meetings are held at the Bonner County Administration building, 1500 U.S. 2; and also are live streamed via YouTube. To access the streams, visit the Bonner County YouTube page at