Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Bonner County History - Dec. 3, 2023

| December 3, 2023 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Dec. 3, 1973 – HOMES FOR SALE

WHO’D BELIEVE IT – Two floor to ceiling fireplaces, one in the master bedroom of this beautiful lake view home situated on 3 acres. Other fine features include quality carpets throughout, large utility, attractive kitchen, sliding glass doors, wrap around deck and attached garage. Enjoy the quiet woodsy setting and unmatched view. $31,000.

TAKE A MOMENT to think over the 5¼% loan that can be assumed on existing loan of $8300 when purchasing this large 4 bdrm. family home. Located in a nice area of town close to shopping and school on a large 100’x142’ lot. Priced at $18,500.

KANIKSU REALTY, 107 ½ N. First Avenue. Jim Nelson, Lola Rainey, Jean Martin, Laura Marquez.



The Sandpoint Ranger District is aware of the nation’s potential energy crisis and has taken measures to reduce its energy requirements. District personnel work from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. instead of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., giving field crews more daylight and reducing the electrical needs at the ranger station. A maximum daytime temperature of 65 degrees is maintained; at night temperatures are reduced to 50 - 55 degrees. Where over-lighting was occurring, bulbs have been removed to help save electricity. Hallways, restrooms and unused offices are kept unlighted during the day. A mandatory speed limit of 50 miles per hour for all Forest Service vehicles was put into effect on Nov. 1, and employees have organized car pools to save on fuel. 

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Miss Betty Lou Loman, a senior at the University of Idaho, spent Thanksgiving week end at Sandpoint with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Loman, 521 Church. Mr. and Mrs. Loman drove her back to Moscow, continuing on to Lewiston to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Loman Jr.  The younger Mr. Loman is a student at North Idaho College of Education.



Dr. and Mrs. W.F. Tyler returned home Tuesday looking fit and rested by a month’s vacation at Priest Lake where they pitched a fine camp and roughed it, enjoying the fishing and successful hunting. 

Spanish American war ladies rummage sale at Rich’s Watch Shop, 115 N. First, Saturday, Dec. 11. 

The title to the ambulance was presented to the city fathers at the Wednesday evening council meeting by the donor, L.G. Moon.



Sandpoint’s new radio station has been assigned the call letters KSPT, reports Norman Bauer of the Bauer Broadcasting company. Bauer plans to start construction soon at the site on the Dover highway, and the station will begin operating about a month later. Final approval of the location is pending. The company’s request for call letters KLPO (for Lake Pend Oreille) was refused by the FCC. 

For more information, visit the museum online at