Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Risk manager questioned for lack of reporting

Staff Writer | December 14, 2023 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Recent tension surrounding Bonner County risk manager Christian Jostein’s accusations against Commissioner Steve Bradshaw have left many residents questioning why he didn’t report another incident that happened between the commissioners earlier this year.

Every year, Jostlein hosts a defensive driving class for any county employees or volunteers who will drive a county vehicle. While the course used to have a 10-minute behind-the-wheel component, after the COVID-19 pandemic, the class only consists of an hour-long PowerPoint presentation.

During one of these courses, Commissioner Asia Williams allegedly made questionable comments about Commissioner Luke Omodt — comments that Jostlein admitted hearing yet never reported.

In the court hearing regarding the civil protection order that Williams filed against Bradshaw, Jostlein — who reported that Bradshaw had allegedly threatened to shoot Williams — was questioned about Williams’s previous comments.

Jostlein admitted that he remembered taking Omodt through the course in January, right after Omodt took office as a commissioner. In a released recording of part of the hearing, what is assumed to be Bradshaw’s defense attorney asked Jostlein if he recalled Williams making any comments about Omodt in the context of that class.

“Did you say [to other staff] … Miss Williams said something to the effect of, ‘You should open the door and get rid of the problem,’ in reference to pushing Mr. Omodt out of the car during driver training?” the defense asked.

Williams then objected to the question, claiming it was leading the witness. Her objection was denied by the judge and Jostlein was allowed to answer the question.

“I do recall that,” he said. “I can’t [inaudible] the exact words, but something similar to that, yeah.”

When asked if the risk manager had reported the comment to anybody, even the prosecutor or the sheriff, he said no.

“So some threats against commissioners, you report and document, and some you don’t?” the defense asked.

Jostlein responded that he had not taken Williams’s comment seriously.

“I took that one as a joke and not as an actual instruction or order,” he replied.

When asked about the incident, Williams said she had no recollection of making the comments.

“The risk manager stated in the hearing that he took the comment to be a joke given that we do not do driving tests,” she said in an email. “I stated that I did not recall making such a comment.”