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WBCSD seeking legal counsel proposals

Staff Writer | December 20, 2023 1:00 AM

A handful of housekeeping measures filled the West Bonner County School District's agenda at a special meeting Dec. 11.

During the meeting, among the actions taken by the board were posting a request for a proposal for legal services, updates to the Secretary of State's registration filing, and third reading of a policy covering extended learning opportunities.

During the special meeting, the board approved posting a request for a proposal for legal services. The board approved the motion unanimously.

The RFP will go out to interested legal firms and lawyers and will be posted on the district's website. 

The RFP outlined the nature and scope of the services needed by the district, including legal advice and opinions as needed, reviewing proposals and contracts, preparing responses to legal issues, and providing advice and counsel to staff.

Interim WBCSD board chair Margaret Hall said the thought was that by seeking the RFPs now, reviewing legal counsel could be folded into the board's annual January meeting, when the board reviews and updates processes.

"If it can be done in terms of timing, it would flow nicely as you're establishing the board during your annual meeting [to identify] who your legal counsel may be at the same time," interim Superintendent Joe Kren said.

While trustee Troy Reinbold expressed concern that incoming board trustee Kathy Nash would be limited in the information received about the proposal, he was assured that since the information is public, she would have full access and a decision would be made with her input. She would also receive a board packet before the meeting so that she could review the data beforehand, Hall said.

In addition, the meeting could be structured so that board members are seated before action items and new business are discussed, interim superintendent Joe Kren said.

The board approved a motion calling for RFPs to be submitted by noon Jan. 12, 2024, allowing the board to potentially select legal counsel at its Jan. 17 meeting.

The board adopted a policy on extending learning opportunities in the West Bonner District after holding a third reading on the proposal. The first two readings were held in May and June 2023, but district officials recently realized the policy had not been approved.

"I think this policy will be a good opportunity for the students in our district, especially if we continue down the road with some of the grant writing proposals we've been doing for other alternative education opportunities," Kren told the board. "So having this policy in place will keep things on track and moving forward."

Trustees remedied that oversight at a special board meeting Dec. 11.

Under the policy, organizations, such as a business, a nonprofit, or the military, can apply to offer students a for-credit ELO. Such applications must demonstrate that specific state standards and skills will be taught.

Applications would be evaluated by the superintendent to ensure they meet established guidelines.

Students can also apply for credit for an ELO, providing it meets guidelines and they have a parent's permission. As with organizations, applications must detail the specific state standards and skills that will be taught.

District officials would determine what subjects or electives the ELOs would be credited with and how many.

After a brief discussion, West Bonner trustees approved naming interim Superintendent Joe Kren, trustees who will be on the board in 2024, and business office staff to the Idaho Secretary of State's registration filing.