Friday, February 28, 2025

Idaho Mythweaver seeks help on story project

| December 31, 2023 1:00 AM

For almost 35 years, The Idaho Mythweaver has shared stories of Native Americans of the Plateau region primarily over public radio. Today we’re also creating podcasts that are available at (and Spotify and Apple Podcasts) as Voices of the Wild Earth. Thanks to grants from the Idaho Humanities Council, Bonner County Human Rights Task Force, and Idaho Forest Group, eleven programs to date offer Indigenous wisdom about living in harmony with nature and each other.

Back in October, we hosted a live production of Nez Perce storytelling, dance and song called “According to Coyote” at the Panida Theater. It featured Nez Perce actor Kellen Trenal and was an amazing show, concluding with an insightful conversation with Kellen, who will soon be traveling to perform at the Smithsonian.

This special evening and celebration was also a fundraiser for our ongoing podcast and radio work. This community event was made possible only by the generosity of Ting Internet, as well as in-kind support from Keokee:: media + marketing, Panida Theater, Evans Brothers Coffee, The UPS Store, Hotel Ruby Ponderay, Rock Creek Alliance, and our Mythweaver volunteers—Josh Anderson, Colleen Mooney, Sharon Anderson and Paula Vincent.

We are indebted to those who gave so generously to our Silent Auction —Talus Rock Retreat, Nieman’s Floral Market, Tango Cafe, Mountain West Bank, Rustique Bakery, Sandpoint Farmers Market, Trinity at City Beach, Syringa Cyclery, Thunder’s Catch Salmon, Winter Ridge Natural Foods, Pend d’Oreille Winery, Matchwood Brewing Company, Blue Fingers Farm, and Sharon Anderson — as well as the highest bidders who went home with these gifts. Thank you everyone!

We’re still selling chances until December 31 for the donated oil painting, “Spawning Grounds” of kokanee salmon by Terrel Jones. Donate $10 on our website or at Misty Mountain Furniture. Help us keep the stories coming!

