A prayer in thanks for God's love
Dear God,
I'll be honest — which is the only way to really be with You. I don't know where we people come up with the idea we can hide anything from you. You see and know all that is going on in your creation — even the thoughts of humankind. You say your compassion is toward all that you have made.
But there's another side to that. You judge rightly. You hold everyone accountable.
With some of the awful stuff I read about in the news I don't say it with meanness — but with relief — that I am glad everyone is not going to get away with everything. I include myself. Thank you that I've not pulled off all I've thought and tried. You've turned me around — because you are merciful, and because I listened. If not at first, then later.
I think a lot of us are getting weary with winter — keep us going just a little longer. We love living here in North Idaho — and that means a few months of cold and snow and darker days. I've still got my Christmas lights up … just to bring a little cheer.
Discouragement can seep in so quick this time of year — like the fog that hung around so much of January. Give us your hope. Our own just doesn't cut it much of the time. There's a reason for that. You've made us to seek after You.
And that brings me back to where I started in a way. We can't hide from you, and you don't hide from us. You are a God who makes yourself known, who loves your creation. In all the hardships — all the troubles — all that's wrong in this world, you are who is right.
Don't let me ignore that — or forget it. It would be like throwing out a treasure.
Thank you for every day. For the people in my life — now, and those I remember. Thank you for helping me through discouragement, for those rallying words, “take heart!” Thank you that you have the answers I need — and the solutions to all that's coming at me.
Most of all, thank you that I am not alone. I really count on that.