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Bonner County History - Feb. 7, 2023

| February 7, 2023 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Bonner General Hospital Auxiliary asks localites to circle March 3 for an important social event. Mrs. Don Diehl, president, announces that the Auxiliary is planning a Mardi Gras dance for the last Saturday before Lent. Proceeds will be used for opening a Gift Shop in the new hospital. At present, the Auxiliary is not operating a gift shop, and funds are needed to begin an inventory. The Elks Club has been reserved for the affair, and a well-known local orchestra is being sought to furnish the music. “We hope this will be the first of yearly Auxiliary social events,” said Mrs. James Breinich, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.



For his work in the Sandpoint Lions Club, Larry Anderson, Kaniksu National Forest employee and First Lutheran Church member, was awarded the Sandpoint Jaycee distinguished service award at the annual DSA banquet. Named Boss of the Year was George Harper, Harper’s Saw Shop. Harper is a city councilman, member of United Methodist Church, Sandpoint Elks Lodge, and Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Ron (Joan) McCormick, Sagle, a teacher in Farmin Elementary School, won the outstanding young woman award. She is a worker in the First Presbyterian Church school and a devoted supporter of 4-H and youth athletics. Miss Donna Wakely, a fourth and fifth grade Kootenai School teacher, was named outstanding young educator.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

Feb. 7, 1923 — SALUTATORY

In taking over The Pend d’Oreille Review, the new editor will carry on the same policy of attracting attention to Sandpoint, Bonner county and the state of Idaho in general that has attracted such great attention to this favored spot of the universe. The Pend d’Oreille Review will represent the best interests of the city, county, state and nation while politically it will follow in the footsteps of Lincoln, Grant and McKinley, representing the tenets of the Grand Old Republican party. Every effort will be made to keep The Pend d’Oreille Review up to its high standard as established by George Barker, and while the task is a large one, we hope to be able “to make the grade.” Fred N. Wild, Editor and Publisher.



The annual meeting of the Bonner County Seed Potato Growers’ association, held Saturday at the Farmers’ Union hall on Lake street, went unanimously on record for retention of county agent work in Bonner county and condemned the action of the Bonner county commissioners in recently voting to discontinue the work. They will go before the commissioners Feb. 13 to seek reinstatement.



Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillis returned home Sunday after spending a few days in Clarksfork.

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