Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Berner favors 'wreckreation' over wildlife

| February 23, 2023 1:00 AM

Sandpoint Ranger Berner was caught attempting to use a “Small NEPA” CE to issue a special use permit for Selkirk Powder specifically for the purpose of heliskiing in grizzly bear core habitat. The intent was to hide this permit, then sign the Winter Rec EA without disclosing this activity. “Small NEPA,” is USFS jargon for categorical exclusions not requiring public notification.

Several proposed disturbances would impact Myrtle Bear Unit grizzlies. The Bonners Ferry Ranger District has been notified that a supplemental EA/EIS for Westside Restoration is required because of new information documenting four high-use trails in grizzly core habitat. The Winter Rec collaborators would like to open up the Roman Nose area to year-round (bear year) snowmobile use, impacting core habitat and the ESA-listed whitebark pine. They also support snowmobile use during denning season in Upper Pack River. The proposed addition of heliskiing would disturb denning grizzly bears and could impact females with cubs that remain near their den after emergence and helicopters could cause avalanches that could bury dens. Please help our bears survive.

Now, Berner wants to issue a special use "Small NEPA" permit after the Winter Rec Decision Notice is signed, avoiding assessment of heliskiing impacts. Recreation of all types must be limited in the Roman Nose and Upper Pack River area to avoid a jeopardy opinion by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


Priest River