Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Banish Banducci and restore NIC

| January 1, 2023 1:00 AM

The continuing coverage of the Banducci machine that runs the North Idaho College board of trustees continues to disturb my morning mocha time at Evans Brothers.

Putting aside politics, if that can ever be the case, Todd Banducci seems to be a nastier version our own beloved Dan McDonald, who has been known to shut off and mistreat citizens who voiced opinions contrary to his own at county commission meetings. Both of them might be kinder and better-behaved had someone cleaned their clocks when they were younger and more impressionable.

As for the confusing drama at NIC that must have students and faculty constantly on edge because of Banducci, I suggest students and faculty go on strike and respectfully flood board meetings and make clear they don’t appreciate dictators even if they clean the swamps and make the trains run on time.

Small demonstrations don’t count for much, especially if the greater community is currently afraid of higher education. This is not comparable to the civil rights movement of the 1960s, where many people put their lives on the line, but maybe NIC students and faculty might have fun finding some personal courage and the results it can bring. Banish Banducci and restore NIC.

