Friday, July 26, 2024

Legals for January, 3 2023

| January 3, 2023 12:00 AM

SUMMONS Case No. CV09-22-1587 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER ST. VINCENT DEPAUL Plaintiffs, vs. VINCENT FOTI And all other persons at 120 W. 10th St.#12 Clark Fork, Idaho Defendants. TO VINCENT FOTI And all other persons at 120 W. 10th St.#12 Clark Fork, Idaho YOU HAVE BEEN SUED BY: St. Vincent De Paul A trial will be held on the 20th day of January 2023 at 9:00 A.M at the BONNER County Courthouse to determine if you should be evicted from the premises described in the complaint which is served with this Summons. If the Court grants the request to evict you, it may also order you to pay costs of this proceeding. If you wish to seek the advice of or representation by an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly, to allow adequate time for trial preparation. This Summons and the Complaint shall be served upon the Defendant(s) not less than five (5) days [computed pursuant to IRCP Rule 6(a)] prior to the date of the hearing. CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT DATED: By /s/ S. Matilla Deputy Clerk Legal#4747 AD#3481 December 13, 20, 27, 2022; January 3, 2023 _________________________

BONNER COUNTY ANNUAL ROAD AND STREET FINANCIAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 Beginning Balance as of October 1, 2021              $   462,344 Receipts: Local Funding Sources $   4,763,206 State Funding Sources $   5,580,553 Federal Funding Sources $    830,383 Total Receipts $ 11,174,142 Disbursements: New Construc tion                                          $     50,000 Reconstruction/Replacement $   3,403,542 Routine Maintenance $   4,624,045 Equipment $   1,114,718 Administration $    917,150 Other (Includes payments to other local governments) $     90,693 Total Disbursements $ 10,200,147 Retained for future projects (Paving) $   1,340,026 Retained for General Funds and Operations $     96,313    Ending Balance $ 0 This report has been submitted to the Idaho State Controller as required by Idaho Code Section 40-708. SIGNED: Jeff Connolly, Dan McDonald and Steve Bradshaw, Bonner County Commissioners ATTEST: Claire May, Executive Assistant / Deputy Clerk Legal#4771 AD#3990 January 3, 2023

City of Sandpoint Annual Road & Street Financial Report For Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022 This certified report of dedicated funds is hereby submitted to the State Auditor as required by 40-708, Idaho Code. Beginning Balance of October 1, 2021  -   Receipts: Local Funding Sources   2,016,138 State Fund Sources   603,701 Federal Funding Source   106,760 Total Receipts   2,726,599 Disbursements: New Construction   -   Reconstruction/Replacement/Rehabilitation  1,029,790 Routine Maintenance   598,666 Equipment   156,394 Administration   614,790 Other   191,850 Obligated for specific future project   135,109 Total Disbursements   2,726,599  Ending Balance September 30, 2022  -    Legal#4777 AD#4055 January 3, 2023