Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Forget letters, make 'hate the haters' buttons

| January 3, 2023 1:00 AM

Every week or two, the Daily Bee or the Reader publishes a lengthy screed from a posturing letter writer who apparently feels compelled to publicly denounce haters, lest someone think they’re one.

The message is always the same: “If you don’t take a stand against haters, then you’re probably a hater.” Sometimes they spice it up by using “hate-filled” in place of “hate.” Riveting prose, in any case.

It set me to thinking. Those of you old enough to remember the Gerald Ford presidency may also remember the WIN (Whip Inflation Now) buttons he pushed for a short period of time. It was short-lived, because it was so effective. Once the buttons caught on inflation dropped precipitously.

So why not “I hate the haters” buttons? It would save newspaper ink, attract a larger audience (everyone in the grocery store would know where you stood), and it would expose the haters (those not wearing IHTH buttons) to quick arrest and incarceration. Problem solved. Why do I have to think of everything

