Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Crime rates decline in Idaho

Staff Writer | July 11, 2023 1:00 AM

Crime rates in Idaho decreased by over 11% from 2021 to 2022, according to the annual crime report by the Idaho State Police.

“[The report] includes crime statistics for the statewide crime profile, crimes against persons, crimes against property, crimes against society, hate crime in Idaho and law enforcement officers killed or assaulted,” an ISP press release said.

No reports were taken in Bonner County for crimes of gambling, prostitution, bribery, robbery, human trafficking or animal cruelty in either year. Pornography, embezzlement and extortion dropped by 100% each, from two, two and one reports, respectively, to zero.

Non-forcible sexual offenses, stolen property and counterfeiting offenses all dropped by roughly 50%. Sexual offenses dropped by approximately 21%, with 51 cases reported in 2021 and only 40 in 2022. Motor vehicle thefts decreased by 11%, from 51 reports to 45.

Drug and narcotic charges, while still relatively high, dropped slightly between the two years. In 2021, 672 reports were made and only 602 were reported in the following year. Larceny reports also dropped from 296 to 272 and assault cases decreased slightly from 284 to 277 reports.

Charges of burglary, kidnapping and homicide strangely remained the same across both years. Over 100 burglaries, two kidnappings and three homicides were reported.

Not all crime rates are down in Bonner County, however. Arson reports increased the most, from two cases in 2021 to nine in 2022. Weapons violations increased by two reports, from 18 to 20. Crimes involving fraud and destruction of property both increased by less than 4% each. Two more reports of fraud were made in 2022 and four more charges for destruction were reported.

Visit to view a complete list of the crimes reported in each Idaho county in 2021 and 2022.