Thursday, March 06, 2025

Bonner County History - June 11, 2023

| June 11, 2023 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

June 11, 1973 – GOING, GOING…

The old Moon Funeral Home building at the corner of Third and Alder is being dismantled and removed by Pack River Lumber Co., the present owner. The mortuary moved to a new building a few years ago.



David Thompson, who in 1809 built the first white establishment on the shore of Lake Pend Oreille, is featured in a Sandpoint Library display. It shows his 1808-1812 exploration and mapping of large parts of what is now Idaho, Montana and Washington. Also displayed are trade items such as those bartered for furs with Northwest Indians, and a reproduction of the royal charter granted to Hudson’s Bay Company to engage in the North American fur trade. Arranged by the Montana Historical Society, the exhibit will be part of the permanent historical collection to be housed at Libby Dam in 1975.



Matt Kirking, Sagle, is among 49 Idaho 4-H teenagers who will travel to Washington, D.C. in mid-June for a short course in citizenship. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kirking, Sagle.



Wanda Dingman, 16, was treated and released at the hospital for a back injury received when a horse threw her near her Pine St. Loop home.

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Mayor Don Diehl has issued a warning against swimming in Sand Creek, in the municipal beach area, or the general area off the south ends of First, Second and Third avenues. The warning was issued on the advice of the State Public Health Department which said all persons should refrain from coming in contact with the water in these areas. The city police will patrol the areas in question. Public notice will be given when swimming is safe. The department of public health also issued a warning to all persons to boil water where wells and sources of water supply could be contaminated by surface water seeping in.



Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Allbee are the parents of a son born on June 3.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brockus are the parents of a son born last week at the hospital here.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Samuelson are parents of a son born last week at the hospital here.

Carl R. Tifft and Ward R. Tifft returned from Sun Valley after attending the Idaho realtors convention.

Mayor Don Diehl and City Attorney Glenn Bandelin were in Spokane on business Tuesday.



Mrs. Florence Sulzle, Glengary, had to have several stitches taken in her left leg last Wednesday to close a wound made when an ax slipped as she went to stick it into the top of a stump at her home.

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