Bradshaw's reparation plan is simply ridiculous
In the past 20 years, one person stands out as the most ridiculous local politico — the brilliant Steve Bradshaw.
He has lied numerous times while in official meetings, and when confronted gives the old, “That’s what I heard” defense.
In this case, he boldly wants to give $60,000 to a political supporter — the logic being that he was underpaid, even though he was making almost twice what Steve lied about. I’ve got news for you, Skippy, Bonner County has been a hub zone for most of Steve’s life, so literally every single Bonner County Employee, past or present, should get Steve’s form of reparations. The man is boldly ignorant — there is no one more dangerous, other than maybe his minion.
Steve said he would pay that financial windfall out of pocket — I say garnish his next $60,000, then give it to Steve’s buddy — after Steve pays the taxes due on that money.
In trying to understand our dysfunctional commission, I have asked some old-timers about Steve, and how he got where he is … the best quote was, “I’ve known Steve Bradshaw all his life and if he ever forms an intelligent thought, it will be his first.”
At what point do these reparations become across the board? And as Commissioner Williams pointed out, the county will be bankrupt if we let these “conservative” geniuses pay all of their friends and political supporters for nothing.
We are still waiting on that first intelligent thought, Steve.
P.S. The reparations crowd is not conservative nor Republican.