Friday, July 26, 2024

Legislature has accomplished nothing this session

| March 14, 2023 1:00 AM

Well, here it is the middle of March, and the Idaho Legislature, due to adjourn March 27, has accomplished nothing, in my opinion.

It seems the Republican majority has just initiated frivolous bills to satisfy their agenda, to wit: Numerous anti-abortion bills, school voucher bills which no one wants (at least five have been introduced, three of which were voted down and two probably in la-la land) a bill to curb referendums and bills to cut freedom for libraries by banning certain books.

The killer bill introduced is the voting absentee bill to supposedly stop fraud, but, in my mind, to control voting the party line. There is no basis for fraudulent voting.

Unfortunately, the real issues like property tax relief and public education aligned with the referendum and Gov. Little's bill passed in December have been ignored.

