Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Book launch celebrates success of ‘All The Things’

| March 21, 2023 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Hilarious and relatable, Ammi Midstokke will share her real-life adventures — and misadventures — as part of an upcoming talk at the Pine Street Woods.

The Kaniksu Land Trust is welcoming regionally acclaimed writer Ammi Midstokke to the intimate setting of the PSW warming hut to share some of the things from her debut collection of adventures, bound in "All the Things — Mountain Misadventure, Relationshipping, and Other Hazards of an Off-Grid Life," published by Latah Books.

“It was so impressive to see Ammi pack the Bing Theater in Spokane last Wednesday night. Her “mis”adventures and humor kept the entire audience in stitches. I look forward to bringing her stories home to Sandpoint this next week,” Katie Cox, KLT executive director, said.

Midstokke’s regular column in the Spokesman Review, “Off the Grid,” has captivated readers with raw “we can laugh about it now” tales from her childhood to the many winding adventure-filled roads and trails to living her dream.

Regular features in regional publications reveal how humor, the outdoors and nutrition, as a nutritionist and self-proclaimed foodologist, keep her grounded.

Receiving high praise from author — and Midstokke's high school English teacher — Marianne Love, “All the Things” comprises a lifetime of wild, and yet normal experiences.

"Getting acquainted with the writings of Ammi Midstokke might best be compared to going on a Star Trek adventure. While telling slice-of-life stories about herself and her often wacky adventures, she may take you to where no woman has dared to go before, ‘cept for Ammi. I like to think of her as a pure free-range soul who allows no barriers to stop her, except for when a big rock pins her to a mountainside. That harrowing experience and her subsequent rescue brought Ammi regional fame and the opportunity to share her unique writing voice through outdoor columns in The Spokesman-Review. Regardless of the situation, her brilliantly crafted and precise prose provokes a range of strong emotions. Read one Ammi Midstokke story, and you’re hooked," wrote Love in a book review for “All the Things.”

General admission is $10 with doors opening promptly at 6:30 p.m. Chris Paradis will perform banjo music and Eichardt’s will provide a no-host bar. Ticket and non-alcoholic beverage purchase proceeds go toward the Save the Sled Hill community fundraising campaign.

VIP access at $50 includes entry to the pre-event reception in the PSW warming hut at 6 p.m. with Eichardt’s-catered appetizers, one drink ticket, an autographed book, hand woven bookmark, premium reserved seating and a chance to mingle with Ammi and Freya the Brown Dog.

“The ‘chance to meet Ammi in person’ strikes me as hilarious seeing as everyone probably knows exactly what I buy at Winter Ridge or where I run in Pine Street Woods! But, it is rare to see me in something other than athliesure wear,” Midstokke quipped.

Tickets are on sale now at, where you can also learn more about the Save the Sled Hill campaign.