Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Area students get a jump on planning 'Next Steps'

| March 29, 2023 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — With just a few months left in the school year, it’s time for students to start thinking about their futures.

And, to give the students a helping hand, the community came together to help during the recent Next Steps Night — a historic first for Lake Pend Oreille School District.

In an effort to help students answer questions about their futures and ease the stress of planning for those graduating, students from the area in grades 8-12 attended the March 14 event for an evening of career and college preparation, Kristen Hawkins, Lake Pend Oreille School District community relations liaison, said.

“Sandpoint High School was buzzing with excitement and filled with decorated tables presenting endless opportunities for networking, fact-finding, and exploring the next steps. Curious teenagers shook hands, read flyers, and had conversations with table hosts alongside their parents,” Hawkins said “The gymnasium and common area had decorated tables lined up, with information on display for all those in attendance.

Held at Sandpoint High School, the event was funded through a Panhandle Alliance For Education grant written by SHS college and career mentor Angela Dail. The event was open to students in both Bonner and Boundary counties. In addition, Hawkins said the event which will be held annually, is one of the four parts included in the 5-Year Strategic Plan under “Foster Community Connection.”

“This program will be a tremendous opportunity for students to connect with area businesses and colleges," Hawkins said. “Sandpoint High School's decision to write a grant and organize the event shows the school's dedication to seeing students succeed. It also allows businesses to network with area residents to help supply workers to their industry fields. We look forward to hearing more positive stories unfold as a result of this event.”

Bringing together businesses and colleges from the area, to meet with students and parents Dail accomplished just that with her grant. Hawkins said 15 colleges, 25 businesses, and six military groups took part in the inaugural event.

“Our community businesses showed up in a big way to support these kids and the vision to collaborate with families,” Hawkins said.

Students from several schools in the area, including Forrest Bird Charter and SHS, as well as, Bonners Ferry and Priest River, took part. In addition, a number of homeschooled students also attended the event.

Hawkins recounted hearing a mother tell an SHS staff member how nervous her son was to attend but walked away feeling confident and proud after receiving a possible summer job opportunity.

Hawkins said LPOSD staff and officials wanted to thank area businesses and organizations for making the evening possible.

“None of this would be possible without the businesses who continually pour into our students, including those who showed up for Next Steps Night and hosted a table,” she said.

Lake Pend Oreille School District officials thanked the following businesses for their involvement: Anderson Auto Body, Asplundh Tree Expert, Bonner General Health, Bonner County Sheriff- 911 Dispatch, Daher, Diedrich Coffee Roasters, Encoder, Family Health Center, Idaho Department of Transportation, Idaho Forest Group, Idagon, Kochava, Lignetics, Litehouse, Mountain View Construction, Northside Fire District, Park Ranger: Albini Falls, Pend Oreille Vet Clinic, Sandpoint Rotary, Silverwood, Six Star Automotive, Super One Foods, United States Postal Service, Waste Management, Wildlands Fire Fighters, and Litehouse YMCA.


(Photo courtesy KRISTIN HAWKINS)

Lake Pend Oreille School District officials said 15 colleges, 25 businesses, and six military groups took part in the inaugural Next Steps Night.


(Photo courtesy KRISTIN HAWKINS)

Northside Fire officials talk to students at the recent Next Steps Night. The inaugural event attracted representatives from 15 colleges, 25 businesses, and six military groups.


(Photo courtesy KRISTIN HAWKINS)

Lake Pend Oreille School District officials said 15 colleges, 25 businesses, and six military groups took part in the inaugural Next Steps Night.