Wednesday, March 26, 2025

HR items land on BOCC agenda for fifth time

Staff Writer | May 7, 2023 1:00 AM

The contentious human resource items have once again made their way onto the Bonner County commissioners’ May 19 agenda, this time being brought up by Bonner County HR and risk management director Cindy Binkerd.

These five items have already been denied twice by Commissioners Luke Omodt and Steven Bradshaw due to multiple unspecified concerns that the pair said have yet to be addressed.

Also on the agenda are multiple discussions for fire annexations in the Northside, Sagle and Westside fire districts as well as a solid waste facilities improvement contract. Commissioner Asia Williams has added the topic of streaming all county meetings online via YouTube, Rumble or both. Additionally, she also plans to discuss the decision on including the commissioners meeting packets online at the same time the agenda is uploaded.

The meeting is set to end with three executive sessions: One for human resources, one for prosecutor personnel and the last for technology. Executive sessions are closed to the public to give officials a chance to discuss confidential information; however, all decisions must be made in open session.

The Bonner County commissioner meetings are held at the Bonner County Administration building, 1500 U.S. 2 and also are live streamed via YouTube. To access the streams, visit the Bonner County YouTube page at