Shea is the best choice for library board
Readers for Rodriquez. Subtext: read what we want you to read. In every speech, Stacy Rodriquez’s No. 1 issue is the obscenity of drag queens wagging their “things” in front of 3-4-year-old children in American libraries. “Not here!” Has she seen the internet?
As diligent parents, we’re responsible for what our children see and read. I can do my job, her crew should go ahead and do theirs. Forcing their dogma on me is not their job, and curtailing my First Amendment rights is certainly not their job. In the red-hot culture wars, winning for zealots means banning everything they don’t like. Re-elect Susan Shea. She’s proven she can do the best job for this library, and she’s not using this position as a stepping stone to state office.