Thursday, March 06, 2025

Financial confusion in School District 83

| May 10, 2023 1:00 AM

There are some things that everyone in School District 83 needs to know before voting on the levy later this month:

1. Most of the levy is designated for administrator, teacher, and staff pay increases, even though they say the levy is “for the kids.” 

2. The administration, teachers, and staff are already getting a big pay raise from the state. 

3. The average administrator and teacher in the West Bonner County School District makes, after their state pay raise, about $55K a year. 

4. The average WBCSD resident makes $29K a year. 

5. The average household in the WBC district makes about $45K a year. 

6. Our school district teachers and administrators are paid more than Lakeland school district teachers and administrators on average. 

7. The average household in the Lakeland school district makes about $67K a year. 

8. We spend more per student than the Lakeland school district. 

9. Our students score worse than the Lakeland school district on testing and graduate at a lower rate. 

Facts: 1 plus 2 plus 3 plus 4 plus 5 plus 6 plus 7 plus 8 plus 9 add up to a big, fat no vote on the levy next month.


Spirit Lake